Galerie Thomas Fischer präsentiert am 29. April 2017 ab 15:00 Uhr die Portfolio Presentation „Seven Palms“ des Künstlers Sebastian Stumpf.
Sebastian Stumpf photographed the Thomas Mann House following his fellowship at Villa Aurora, Pacific Palisades, California. The house was designed for Thomas Mann by Julius Ralph Davidson in 1941. He lived there with his family during his American exile from 1942 to 1952. The pictures were taken in January 2017, a few weeks after the purchase of the property by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The portfolio contains 12 photographs and a reproduction of a text from the estate of the architect Julius Ralph Davidson.
Presentationsdaten: Samstag, 29. April 2017, 15:00 Uhr
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Bildunterschrift: via Galerie Thomas Fischer – Sebastian Stumpf
Ausstellungen Berliner Galerien: Sebastian Stumpf – Seven Palms – Portfolio Presentation – Galerie Thomas Fischer | ART at Berlin