post-title Johannes Nagel | I hardly ever thought of flowers | Brutto Gusto fine arts | 28.04.-25.06.2016

Johannes Nagel | I hardly ever thought of flowers | Brutto Gusto fine arts | 28.04.-25.06.2016

Johannes Nagel | I hardly ever thought of flowers | Brutto Gusto fine arts | 28.04.-25.06.2016

Johannes Nagel | I hardly ever thought of flowers | Brutto Gusto fine arts | 28.04.-25.06.2016

bis 25.06. | #0557ARTatBerlin | Brutto Gusto fine arts zeigt momentan die Ausstellung „I hardly ever thought of flowers“ des Künstlers Johannes Nagel.

David Pye says: „Any object that we design and produce is makeshift, is improvised, is inappropriate and provisional.“
The subject of my work specifically is the improvised and provisional. The objects are finished in that the porcelain is painted (glazed) and fired. Most objects are somehow vessels, pots. What else are they? The attempt to confuse the connotations that technology and material provoke. At times constructive composing, at times willful destruction, sometimes vases, sometimes fragments or alienated object. Improvised are the handling of the material and the methods of creating volume and shape – sawed, dug out, stacked, found or painted on. The joints and fissures, the blots of colour and unfinished painting appear provisional as they point from the finished object to the instant of making. It is not the perfection of the ultimate expression that is intended but to verbalize a concept of the evolution of things.
What sort of a function do vessels have today? What may they contain? I hardly ever thought of flowers.
Johannes Nagel 2011

Vernissage: Donnerstag, 28. April 2016, 18 – 21 Uhr

Ausstellungsdaten: Donnerstag, 28. April bis Samstag, 25. Juni 2016

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Bildunterschrift: Johannes Nagel – via Brutto Gusto Fine Arts

Ausstellung Johannes Nagel – Brutto Gusto fine arts – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin


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