ART at Berlin: Artists Berlin Exhibitions
Nina Ansari
Nina Ansari was born in Teheran in 1981. She lives and works in Berlin. Nina Ansari’s artistic activities are characterized by a thematization of topoi like identity or remembrance – thereby corresponding to very different kinds of artistic expression and media: recently having begun to make film, Ansari has developed a wide ranging photographic oeuvre, whose overwhelming effects […]
Christian Awe
Christian Awe studied at the University of the Arts with Professor Georg Baselitz and was a master student of Daniel Richter. In addition to his artistic activities as well as national and international exhibitions, he is involved in a variety of social and cultural projects in Germany, the Middle East and Africa. We had it […]
Fiona Ackerman
Prologue | Fiona, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where do we talk together? I work in a large industrial building 2 blocks from my home in Vancouver, Canada. I’ve had my studio here for 15 years. Freight trains […]
Zsolt Berszan
Zsolt Berszan (1974, Targu-Mures, Romania) works and lives in Sumuleu-Ciuc and Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He studied at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (1992-1998). In 2003 he founded the Open Studio contemporary art magazine that was renamed in 2007 in BAZIS contemporary art magazine. In 2011 he founded the BAZIS contemporary art space in […]
Benedikt Braun
The graduated artist Benedikt Braun lives in Weimar and works independently as a UFK (Ultra Free Artist). In a performance in 2010, he got “sausaged” on a public square in Weimar. In the gallery representing him (Galerie Eigenheim Berlin) he attrected the attention in March 2017 when he let the vernissage viositors fire clay pigeons from […]
Jelena Bulajic
Prologue | Jelena, in times of social distancing we can use our imagination to put ourselves in an authentic situation, as if we were in an on-site interview. Please describe: where would we speak together? In the studio, which is situated in the industrial port of Belgrade. The studio occupies a part of a big […]
Tina Braegger
Prologue | Tina, tun wir so, als hätten wir normale Zeiten und würden uns persönlich zum Interview treffen. Wo würden wir miteinander sprechen? Wir sprechen in meinem Atelier, das sich in einem historisch interessanten Gebäude, dem Maggi-Haus an der Lützowstrasse in Schöneberg befindet. Vielleicht sitzen wir an Deinem Lieblingsplatz? Wir unterhalten uns stehend, da ich keine Stühle […]
Mary Ellen Bartley
Prolog | Mary Ellen, imagine Corona would not determine the current situation and you would welcome us in your home or studio. Where do we speak together? My home and studio are in a wooden house built by a whaling captain for his daughter in 1833. The walls are a bit crooked and the wide wooden floor boards […]
Alvar Beyer
Prolog | (Interview in German language) Alvar, stell’ Dir vor, die Pandemie würde derzeit nicht unser Leben bestimmen und Du könntest uns in Deinem Zuhause oder in Deinem Atelier empfangen. Wo sprechen wir zusammen? Vielleicht sitzen wir an Deinem Lieblingsplatz? Wir sitzen im vorderen Teil meiner Atelierwohnung in Berlin Mitte auf der Oranienburger Straße, gleich […]
Elvira Bach
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (Interview in German language) Frau Bach, wo treffen wir Sie? Wir treffen uns in meinem Atelier, Fabriketage. Vielleicht sitzen wir an Ihrem Lieblingsplatz? Wir sitzen am Tisch. Woher kommen Sie, wo sind Sie wann geboren? Aus Neuenhain im Taunus. Geboren bin ich am 22. Juni 1951. Wo leben und arbeiten Sie derzeit? Ich lebe in Berlin-Charlottenburg und arbeite […]
Adam Bota
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (in German language) Adam, wo treffen wir Dich? Raum 1: Vorzimmer. Raum 2: Mittleres Durchgangszimmer mit Bilderlager, Büro, Kunstsammlung, Büchersammlung, Antiquitätensammlung und Rastplatz. Raum 3: Arbeitsraum (Atelier) mit ausschließlich Arbeitsmaterial und teilweise Lagerstätte. Ich arbeite direkt an der Wand im Stehen und nicht an der Staffelei. Um meine Arbeit betrachten zu können, sitze […]
Gildas Coudrais
Gildas Coudrais was born 1975 in Cholet, France. He makes paintings, drawings, installations and mixed media artworks. With his gleam and sparkle signal colours, he gets very close to the aesthetics of pop-culture. The painting on glass – highly brilliant and intensely compressed – partially loses its materialistic character and approaches to the modern media […]
Luciano Castelli
Luciano Castelli (* 1951, Lucerne) is u.a. Painter, graphic artist, photographer, sculptor. In 1978 Castelli moved to Berlin. With Rainer Fetting and Salomé, he entered the history of art with his expressive painting as Neue Wilde. In 1989 he settled in Paris and married Alexandra in 1991, whom he painted again and again. He experiments […]
Stephanie Cornfield
Prologue | Stephanie, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where do we speak together? Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? We are sitting viewing the indian ocean from my beach house in Bombay facing a coconut […]
Markus Henttonen
Markus Henttonen (*1976 Lahti, Finland) studied photography in the Arts Academy at Turku Polytechnic in 1998-2002. His first solo show was in Finland in 2002 and since then his works have been presented in around 100 solo- and group exhibitions in Europe, e.g. in Barcelona und Madrid (2005), Sardenya (2006), Berlin (2008), International Biennial of […]
Poren Huang
Poren Huang (黃柏仁) was born 1970 in Taiwan/Taichung. “I create “The Dog’s Notes” with the expectation for myself and other people to bring the spirit of “The Dog’s Notes” into full play and to live life with a positive attitude. With an active, loyal and brave heart to defend our loved ones and work, we […]
Hubertus Hamm in 360°
Hubertus Hamm, born 1950 in Werdohl, Sauerland, is a German photographer and photographic artist. From 1970 to 1973 he graduated from the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Fotografie in Munich with a diploma. He then assisted Jan Keetman until 1975. From 1977 Hubertus Hamm ran his own studio for editorial, conceptual and advertising photography in Munich. He […]
Chris Hood in 360°
In autumn 2019 the US-American painter Chris Hood was Resident Artist of 68projects, the Project Space of Galerie Kornfeld, in cooperation with Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V. During his several weeks’ stay in Berlin the Berlin Fellow of Villa Aurora created a new complex of works influenced by the city surrounding him. Following […]
Sandra Vásquez de la Horra
Prologue | Sandra, let’s act as if we had normal times and would sit together now. Where do we speak together? We are in my Studio in the Hasenheide in the middle of the city near Südstern in Kreuzberg. Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place. My studio is an old flat, wood floor, […]
Stef Heidhues
Prologue | Stef, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where do we talk together? We would meet in my studio in berlin Wedding. 3rd floor, industrial building, a view onto brick buildings and roofs. Right now my studio is rather […]
Simone Haack
Prologue | Simone, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where would we talk together? We meet in my studio in Berlin’s Pankow district; it’s on the top (6th upper) storey of a pre-fab high-rise on a traffic artery. […]
Omar Hassan
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Omar, we do meet? We are at the Luisa Catucci Gallery, in the Schillerkiez-Neukölln Berlin. It’s an amazing contemporary art gallery, and I’m glad to show my artworks in this space, and in this wonderful city. Where do you come from, where were you born when? How and where do you currently live […]
Gwen Hardie
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Gwen, where do we meet you? Probably in motion, comparing paintings while walking back and forth between my small and large studio. It’s on the top floor with north facing windows, overlooking Manhattan and Brooklyn. There will be a few paintings on the walls of each room, with many more facing the wall […]
Bettina Hauke
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Bettina, where do we meet you? We would meet in Berlin Pankow in my studio. The studio is bright and large. Many of my paintings hang on the wall, there are probably many scraps of paper on the floor, wood glue, oil paints, books…photos…spread over the two rooms…all a bit messy. For you […]
Jan Kuck
Born in Hannover in 1978, Jan Kuck at first studied law, and continued with history and philosophy, in which he obtained a master’s degree. Since 1999 Jan has been occupying himself intensively with a self-study in designing objects as well as the production of conceptual art. He has been living and working in Berlin since […]
Minjung Kim
Minjung Kim was born 1962 in Gwanju in the Republic of Korea. She currently lives and works in the South of France and in the United States. The artist is represented in Berlin by the gallery DIEHL. > To the exhibition Artistic Curriculum Vitae 1962 Minjung Kim was born in Gwangju in the Republic of Korea and […]
Wilhelm Klotzek
Prologue | Herr Klotzek, wenn wir uns zu unserem heutigen Interview persönlich treffen könnten, wo wäre das? Wir treffen uns in einer Bäckerei um die Ecke – U-Bahnhof Voltastrasse. Es ist stickig. Der Kaffee schmeckt nicht gut. Es sind sehr viele Wespen in der Kuchenauslage. Sie haben eigentlich Hunger, bestellen aber trotzdem nichts wegen der Wespen. […]
Tamara Kvesitadze
Tamara, if we had normal times and would sit together right now, where would this be? Where do we speak together? We meet in my studio. It’s in the city, in an ex-industrial unit, converted as a studio. Frequently tidied up, but still chaotic. It’s an overloaded space with a professional atmosphere. Maybe we are sitting at your […]
Paula Klien
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Paula, where do we talk? We would probably meet in my studio, which is located in Leblon, a district near Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro. My studio is in a small residential building where only artists live, and it is always wonderful to be there. The environment is great. My place is […]
Vera Kochubey
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Vera, where do we talk together where do we meet you? We meet at my studio and gallery in BIKINI BERLIN. I love to paint here and sell my art as well as meeting new people. Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? I can say that my favorite place is my […]
Justine Otto
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (in German language) Justine, wo treffen wir Dich? Ich arbeite, wo ich wohne, d.h. mein Atelier grenzt direkt an meinen Wohnbereich an. Mein Atelier ist umgeben von Grün, viel Grün, denn es liegt im Biosphärenreservat an der Elbe vor den Toren Hamburgs. Vor meiner Malwand habe ich links und rechts zwei große Fenster, links […]
Peter Ruehle
Peter Ruehle was born 1975. He lives and works in Berlin. In Berlin Peter Ruehle is represented by the gallery Berlinartprojects. Artistic Curriculum Vitae Autodidact Exhibitions Solo exhibitions 2016 Bogotá (COL), cinco metros quadrados, Goethe – Institut Berlin, Zeroville, BerlinArtProjects Greifswald, Chiffren, Galerie Hubert Schwarz 2015 Bogotá (COL), 5qm (with Robert Lippok), Flora 2014 Berlin, oben, NeonGold […]
Daniel Rode
The concept artist Daniel Rode is particularly well-known for his large-scale works with short sentences from uppercase letters without spaces or other meaningful separations, as well as for his light installations. In 2017 he showed his art in the exhibition “The Wall #3” at EIGEN + ART Lab for Rheingau Founders, Berlin. We had him […]
Römer + Römer in 360°
Nina Römer (*1978 as Nina Tangian in Moscow) studied painting at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Torsten Römer (*1968 in Aachen) studied painting at the Kunstakademie Münster and at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Both became master students of A.R. Penck. Since 1998 they live and work together as artist couple Römer + Römer, since 2000 in Berlin. Read […]
Grit Richter
Prolog | Grit, tun wir so, als hätten wir normale Zeiten und säßen jetzt beieinander. Wo sprechen wir zusammen? Wir sind in meinem Studio, das sich mitten in der Stadt in einem alten Gewerbehof befindet. Eine echte Perle, die gefunden zu haben ich sehr glücklich bin. Vor allem die zentrale Lage, der ruhige Hof und das […]
Nina E. Schönefeld
Nina E. Schönefeld lives and works in Berlin. Her work is regularily shown in Galleries like Fata Morgana, SchauFenster and Larry’s SHOW. Artistic Curriculum Vitae Nina E. Schönefeld did her Master in Fine Art and her scientific PhD at Berlin University (UdK). During this time she has also lived in New York to do research work […]
Deborah Sengl
Deborah Sengl was born in Vienna in 1974. She currently lives and works in the Austrian Captial. In Berlin Deborah Sengl is represented by Galerie Deschler. To the exhibition. Artistic Curriculum Vitae 1974 born in Vienna 1992 Study at the University of applied Arts (Mkl. Terzic), Vienna 1995 Study at the University of Arts in Berlin/Weißensee 1997 […]
Louis Salkind
Wir hatten Louis Salkind im Mai 2018 im Interview. Louis Salkind IM INTERVIEW. IN|DEEDS. Two sentences concerning your curriculum vitae. I’ve had a quite uncommon course as I started studying Theater, then contemporary Dance and Lyric singing. Painting came later and it offered me the creative independence I was seeking. What are you thinking about […]
Moritz Schleime
Moritz Schleime (* 1978, Berlin-Köpenick) studied painting and graphics with Hanns Schimansky and Werner Liebmann (1998 to 2004) at the Art Academy Berlin-Weißensee, where he graduated as a master student. His works are represented in exhibitions and international collections (including Olbricht Foundation, SOR Rusche Collection, Schleime is the son of the painter Cornelia Schleime. We […]
Jan-Ole Schiemann
Prologue | Jan-Ole, nehmen wir an, die aktuellen Einschränkungen wären nicht existent und wir könnten jetzt uns gegenübersitzen. Ich sitze in meinem Atelier in Köln Poll, einem alten Fabrikgebäude, das zu einem Künstlerhaus umgebaut wurde. Das Künstlerhaus heißt „Quartier am Hafen“. Im Atelier sind die Stahlträger im sogenannten „Adenauer Grün“ (Chromoxidgrün), in dem auch die Kölner […]
Nicola Samorì
Prologue | Nicola, let’s suppose the restriction in traveling would not exist and we could now meet at your studio. Please describe the local situation and the atmosphere. I live in a parish oratory dated 1548. It turned into a silent movie theatre in 1913 and lastly a printing press. In 2007 it became my studio. […]
René Schoemakers
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL René, where do we meet? We meet in Kiel, on the western edge of the town, in my house. Surrounded by family houses and greenery. Behind the house is a large garden, behind that a small wood. If you look out of the window, you only see green, also because there is a […]
Walter Schels
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (Interview in German language) Herr Schels, wo treffen wir Sie? Eine Fabriketage in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel, kreatives Chaos mit analoger Dunkelkammer. Woher kommen Sie, wo sind Sie wann geboren? Geboren bin ich 1936 in Landshut, als jüngstes von sechs Geschwistern. Wo leben und arbeiten Sie derzeit? Siehe oben. Welche Stationen und Menschen haben Sie geprägt? Kommt […]
Leszek Skurski
PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (in German language) Leszek, wo treffen wir Dich? Wir sind in meinem Atelier bei Fulda. Es ist eine relativ große Halle und auf den Wänden hängen ein paar Bilder von mir und von meiner Frau Joanna. Es ist hoch und von oben, durch die Dachfenster leuchtet die Sonne. In der Mitte stehen […]
Panos Tsagaris
Panos Tsagaris (b.1979, Athens, Greece) lives and works in New York. Tsagaris received his BFA from the Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design in Vancouver, Canada. His work has been exhibited among other venues, at New York University’s 80WSE Gallery, at the BOZAR-Center of Fine Arts, in Brussels, Belgium; at PALAIS DE TOKYO, Paris, […]
Marc Taschowsky in 360°
The painter Marc Taschowsk was born in Frankfurt/Main in 1972 and grew up in Dortmund. From 1996 to 2001 he studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Braunschweig and received a diploma in free art in 2002. He spent study visits in Korea and Japan, and in 2018 he was Artist in Residence in […]
Fiona Tan
Prologue | Fiona, suppose the current limitations were non-existent and we could now sit facing each other. Where do we speak together? We are in my studio in the east of Amsterdam close to the river. It’s hidden away in a courtyard off the street. Quiet and sunny; the sunlight filters through the leaves in […]
Taylor A. White
Taylor Anton White (*1978, San Diego, CA, Vereinigte Staaten) lives and works in Fredericksburg, VA, USA. White’s work gives form to fleeting memories and slumbering mania. His pictures tell of crisis and triumph, impulse and limitation. While White finds silence in the artistic process, he returns to the freezer from his childhood days, filled with popsicles […]
Clare Woods
Prologue | Clare, let’s imagine that we are meeting in person. As if we would speak together in your studio. Please describe it briefly. It’s industrial, expansive, neat. Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? In the office – on a long and uncomfortable sofa on the first floor over looking the main studio. We’d like to […]