until 26.01. | #2300ARTatBerlin| Galerie Inga Kondeyne – Raum für Zeichnung presents from 7th December 2018 an exhibition with works by the artist Dorothee Rocke.
The outstanding draughtswoman Dorothee Rocke from Frankfurt am Main has started a new working phase in which she brings back many of her pictorial elements into her drawing world. The artist examines these elements closely and deliberately plays them through on paper as a reorientation. Her lines run across the surfaces, on the one hand groping, like feelers, or they conquer the pictorial space extensively. And suddenly a solitaire becomes visible while looking at it. This drawing has to be explored in order to develop a group out of it. In this work, line networks emerge that connect small, dominant, black shadow bars (known from the 90s). Like swarms, the individual parts seem to move away, formatting suggests itself to dissolve again, until the net of lines temporarily captures them. This basic sheet leads to modified experiments. Dorothee Rockes’ impressive black-and-white contrasts come to the fore powerfully. Between the differentiatedly structured areas of tension in the new drawings, calming, radiant silence spreads perceptibly over a large area in the white of the paper.
Dorothee Rocke, o.T, 2018, Graphit, 30 x 30 cm
Biography: Born 1949 in Kiel; 1974-80 studied fine arts at the University of Mainz; 1981 guest lecturer for drawing and painting at the University Middlebury, Vermont; 1984 working stay in Austin, Texas, USA; 1989 Perron-Kunstpreis der Stadt Frankenthal; 1997 guest professor for drawing at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg (Pentiment); studio scholarship of the Bartels Foundation, Basel; lives and works in Frankfurt a.M.
Solo Exhibitions (Selection): 1984 Galerie Rothe, Heidelberg; 1986 Goethe-Institut, Kyoto, Japan; 1992 Kunstraum MI Posselt, Bonn; 1994 Scharpf-Galerie des Wilhelm-Hack-Museums, Ludwigshafen; 1996/97 Städtische Galerie im Museum Folkwang, Essen; Kunstverein Schwetzingen, Städtische Galerie Würzburg, Museumsverein Werfen, Österreich; 2001 Galerie Grashey, Konstanz; 2003 Sammlung Prinzhorn,Heidelberg; 2005 Galerie Erhard Witzel, Wiesbaden, Kunstverein Göttingen, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, Kunstverein Reutlingen; 2008 Galerie Inga Kondeyne, Berlin,; Galerie Linda Treiber, Ettenheimmünster; Galerie Hein Elferink, Staphorst, NL; 2012 Galerie Pankow, Berlin(K); Ettenheimmünster, Galerie Linda Treiber
Group exhibitions (Selection): 1985 23. Jahresausstellung der Darmstädter Sezession; 1997 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg; 1998 „Graphik der Gegenwart“, Rheinisches Landesmuseum,Bonn; 2003 „Herbarium der Blicke“, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn; 2011 Drawing Centre Diepenheim, NL, „Von Kirchner bis heute“ – Künstler reagieren auf die Sammlung Prinzhorn, Heidelberg; 2013 Noch nie gesehen! (Neue Schenkungen und Ankäufe für die Graphische Sammlung, Kunst Museum Bonn), “Zeichnung als Haltung“, Stadtgalerie Mannheim; 2016 „4 Zeichnungen“, Galerie Kim Behm, Frankfurt am Main; 2018 Eislingen, Kunstverein Eislingen, 8. Biennale der Zeichnung, „ausgezeichnet“
At the same time, the Wichtendahl Galerie opens the exhibition “luminous” with photographs by Nicole Ahland.
Opening: Friday, 7th December 2018, 7-9 pm
Exhibition period: Friday, 7th December 2018 – Saturday, 26th January 2019
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Image caption: o.T, 2018, Graphit, 30 x 30 cm
Exhibition Dorothee Rocke – Galerie Inga Kondeyne | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin