until 07.04. | #3815ARTatBerlin | BARK BERLIN GALLERY shows from 18. March 2023 (Opening: 17.03.) the solo exhibition „Sonic Tweedledum” with works by the artists Inna Levinson.
The exhibition “Sonic Tweedledum” by Inna Levinson presents 9 paintings showing funny looking heads with three eyes, several mouths, two noses, etc. Sometimes they look like double-mirrored heads, sometimes Janus-faced, sometimes like Diprosopus deformities, sometimes like exhilarated saints, sometimes like kaleidoscopically thrown together cheerful kits that have been neglected to count components.
The additional wall painting gives each of these portraits a radiantly coloured body on a dark background. This appears as if moved by the wind, fluttering and tied to the rectangles of the canvases or as if gently laid down.
The double- or multi-facedness of the characters does not seem like two disparate beings pressed together, but rather like a multiplying and complementary being, like Lewis Carroll’s identical brothers Tweedledee and Tweedledum in the book “Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found There” (1871), who cannot contradict each other, even if they claim the opposite. The two lie on staggered days and speak the truth on the other days. Who to trust and who not to trust depends not only on the day and the logic, but also on what the other person is willing to hear. If one now slips into the two brothers, unites them in one’s own imagination as one figure and then observes the fictitious viewer, one notices that the viewer’s image is shaped by wishful thinking of his counterpart.
This perception is reinforced by quite funny cognitive effects. The well-known halo effect, for example, describes how interpersonal judgements are shifted by a positive association. Because with the halo effect, one concludes on the basis of known, positive characteristics of a person that other (as yet unknown) characteristics must also be positive. So once we have unconsciously decided on an illogical but sympathetic view of a person, the psyche still automates this impression other qualities that we cannot know. Even if we have chosen the tweedledee’s version of a day when he is lying.
This halo effect might offer an explanation why people almost manically generate a positive portrayal of themselves in social media. The other side that contradicts this, i.e. Tweedledum remains in reality and is not visible to the viewer of the account. Many positive postings thus generate a positive basic attitude towards the person and their other actually unknown characteristics.
We cannot help but envy Alice. The way she looks at this contradictory world and is amazed, she seems like a very wise child, like one who can logically decipher the diversity of what is presented and is amazed at the intricacy. If we draw on another young person whose story is one of awkwardness and tragedy, then perhaps it becomes clearer to us what tools we are equipped with to unravel the world of contradictions.
The artist gets one foot behind the mirror with her paintings and perceives the double world of the tweedledee and the tweedledum. Confusing, but funny.
Vernissage: Friday, 17th March 2023, 5:00 to 9:00 pm
Exhibition period: Saturday, 18th March to Friday, 7th April 2023
To the Gallery
Image title: Inna Levinson, Double-Faced (6), 2022, Oil on Canvas, 90 x 75 cm
Exhibition Inna Levinson – BARK BERLIN GALLERY | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin