until 31.08. | #0622ARTatBerlin | The gallery for Outsider Art Galerie ART CRU Berlin presents from the 29th Juli 2016 the exhibition “ICH BIN: Figur und Abstraktion—ein Dialog”, what literally means “I Am: Figure and Abstraction – a Dialogue”.
On show are new artworks out of the Open Studio St. Hedwig by Linda Soravia, Kerstin Hölzner, Kristin Junior, Elke Lachert and Gero Schücker.
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For details please check the German version by clicking on the language button in the right corner. Thank you!
Vernissage: Thusday, 28th July 2016, 6 p.m.
Exhibition period: Friday, 29th July – Wednesday, 31st August 2016
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Image caption: Linda Soravia, Nudo
Exhibition Ich Bin – Galerie Art Cru – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin