until 15.04. | #2978ARTatBerlin | Galerie ART CRU Berlin shows from 4th March 2021 a Solo Show with works by the artist Horst Schiele. It is the first solo exhibition of the artist.
The artist bases his paintings on a combination of circles, rectangles and triangles. The associatively placed forms are coloured with a broad palette of colours in oil pastels, a medium that allows the artist the greatest possible sovereignty in his work. Schiele’s forms are then frequently overlaid with one or more additional layers.
If one wanders along these upper lines when looking at the pictures, one senses a concentrated force that lends the pictures a special tension and extraordinary compositional dynamism. At times Schiele places the lines, which are usually in black or white in contrast to the luminous shapes of the background, close together so that a structure seems to overgrow the picture.
O.T., 2015, Ölpastellkreide, 70 x 50 cm
Sometimes he chooses airy, bubble-like circles to overlay his colour field foundation or sets selective accents with shorter strokes. The particular contrast of these two levels, combined with a richness of variation in the volume of paint application, which can vary greatly within and between paintings, offers the viewer a fascinating resonance.
O.T., O.D., Ölpastellkreide, 50 x 70 cm
Horst Schiele was born in Berlin in 1948. After both of his parents died in 1979, Horst Schiele, then 31 years old, moved to the Albert Schweitzer Foundation Living & Care. He worked at the North Berlin Workshops (NBW) until retirement age in 2013. Since 2014, he has been working on his paintings in the Albert Schweitzer Foundation’s painting workshop, which have already been exhibited several times in Berlin.
Exhibition dates: Thursday, 4 March 2021 until Thursday, 15 April 2021
Current opening hours after the end of the lockdown: Tue + Thu 12-18 hrs, Wed. 14-18 hrs, other dates by telephone arrangement, exhibition online at www.art-cru.de
To the Gallery
Image caption cover: Horst Schiele, O.T., 2015, Ölpastellkreide, 50 x 70 cm
Exhibition Horst Schiele – Galerie ART CRU | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin