until 17.03. | #3318ARTatBerlin | Galerie feinart berlin presents from 17th February 2022 the exhibition “Fold the time. And move on” with works by 20 artists from painting, drawing, etching, photography and sculpture. They come together to set a sign for their artistic work and the art world in general after 2 years under Corona in Germany. What if time could just be folded up and thrown away?
What if time could just be folded up and thrown away, yes, skipped backwards? And then just continue where you left off? After two years of the Corona pandemic at the latest, we know very well that this is not possible. Every one in his/her own way.
Wolfgang Petrick, Melancholische Freunde,
174 x 104cm, 1990s © Wolfgang Petrick
After the end of the first lockdown in May 2020, 17 artists spontaneously realized a joint exhibition in the gallery feinart berlin, combined with a collection of individual reports and statements on their experiences under Corona:
“For me, it was like falling into a coma, sometimes with no idea what and who I would see when I woke up.” (Tiba) | “Painting the view from my apartment I had the strange feeling that the real world began to look like my paintings. It kept me focused in a way I hadn’t felt for years.” (Caty Forden) | “The Corona period made it possible to experience a special ambivalence between hiding and showing, protection and isolation, which is inherent in masking: on the one hand, digital masks as a media condition to maintain social contacts. On the other hand, the mask in real space as protection from and for other people.” (Sara Assadi) | “One could also see the crisis like an illness as a way in which art can make a significant and perhaps historic contribution to shaping the future.” (Maryam Motallebzadeh) | “Crises are always opportunities and opportunities must be seized. After the crisis, nothing will possibly be the same as it was before. Art will have to reclaim its place and many things will be called into question in the process. Ultimately, it is about a paradigm shift that is long overdue, about the relationship between the material and the mind, technology and the people.” (Ulrich Reimkasten)
Jan Sobottka, block of 4 photographies, each 50 x 50cm:
„Volpessa“, „Dora“, „Lee“, „Lucy“ © www.catonbed.de
How do you read these sentences today, at the beginning of 2022? Two years after the first Corona lockdown was imposed, we want to continue with a second group exhibition, but less to look back than forward: we are here and we will continue!
Uwe Sernow-Rose, Eremitage, Stahl,
H 52 cm x B 33 cm x T 25 cm, 2018 © Uwe Sernow-Rose
Folding time and moving on, or as the artist Mehrdad Mobasseri quoted his favourite writer in April 2020: “We never realize ourselves. We are two abysses — one fountain staring at the sky.” (Fernando Pessoa)
Ebrahim Ehrari, „Society“, Radierung, 35 x 50cm, 1974 © Ebrahim Ehrari
C.D. Aschaffenburg, Sara Assadi, Marek Benczewski, Ebrahim Ehrari, Caty Forden, Christiane Grasse, Saint James, Mehrdad Mobasseri, Maryam Motallebzadeh, Aurore Millet, Boriana Pertchinska, Wolfgang Petrick, Ulrich Reimkasten, Mathias Roloff, Uwe Sernow-Rose, Jan Sobottka, TAD.berlin, Tiba
Opening: Thursday, 17th February 2021, 5:00 to 9:00 pm
Exhibition dates: Thursday, 17th February to Thursday, 17th March 2022
To the Gallery
Image caption title: C.D. Aschaffenburg — Heuer ungeheuer, Oil on canvas, 140 x 200 cm, 2020 © C.D. Aschaffenburg
Exhibition Fold the time. And move on – Galerie feinart berlin | Zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin – Contemporary Art – Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin
Zeit falten. Und weitergehen |17.02. - 17.03.2022
Vernissage: Do, 17.02.2022 17:00-21:00 | Einführung 19:00
C.D. Aschaffenburg, Sara Assadi, Marek Benczewski, Jan Beumelburg, Ebrahim Ehrari, Caty Forden, Christiane Grasse, Saint James, mehrdad m., Maryam Motallebzadeh, Aurore Millet, NÄNZI, Boriana Pertchinska, Wolfgang Petrick, Ulrich Reimkasten, Mathias Roloff, Uwe Sernow-Rose, Jan Sobottka, TAD. berlin, Tiba
Wie wäre es, wenn man Zeit einfach zusammenfalten und wegwerfen, ja, rückwärts überspringen könnte? Und dann einfach weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat? Dass das nicht geht, wissen wir spätestens nach zwei Jahren Corona-Pandemie sehr genau. Jede und jeder auf die eigene Art. Nach Ende des ersten Lockdowns im Mai 2020 verwirklichten 17 Künstlerinnen und Künstler in der Galerie feinart berlin spontan eine Gemeinschaftsausstellung, verbunden mit einer Sammlung individueller Berichte und Statements zu ihren Erfahrungen unter Corona.
„Für mich war es, als wäre ich in ein Koma gefallen, manchmal ohne eine Vorstellung, was und wen ich nach dem Aufwachen sehen würde.“ (Tiba) | „Painting the view from my appartment I had the strange feeling that the real world began to look like my paintings. It kept me focused in a way I hadn’t felt for years.“ (Caty Forden) | „Die Corona-Zeit hat eine besondere Ambivalenz zwischen Verbergen und Zeigen, Schutz und Isolation erlebbar gemacht, die dem Maskieren innewohnt: einerseits die digitalen Masken als mediale Bedingung, um soziale Kontakte aufrecht zu erhalten. Andererseits die Maske im realen Raum als Schutz vor und für andere Menschen.“ (Sara Assadi)
Wie blicken Sie heute, zu Beginn von 2022, auf diese Sätze? Zwei Jahre nach Verhängung des ersten Corona-Lockdowns wollen wir mit einer zweiten Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit 20 Teilnehmenden an damals anschließen, aber weniger, um zurückzublicken als voran: Wir sind da und machen weiter! Die Zeit falten und weitergehen, oder, wie der Künstler Mehrdad Mobasseri im April 2020 seinen Lieblingsliteraten zitierte: „Wir verwirklichen uns nie. Wir sind zwei Abgründe — ein Brunnen, der den Himmel anstarrt.“ (Fernando Pessoa)