post-title bewegt | Group Exhibition | AOA;87 | 08.09.-28.10.2023

bewegt | Group Exhibition | AOA;87 | 08.09.-28.10.2023

bewegt | Group Exhibition | AOA;87 | 08.09.-28.10.2023

bewegt | Group Exhibition | AOA;87 | 08.09.-28.10.2023

until 28.10. | #4076ARTatBerlin | AOA;87 presents from 8. September 2023 the group exhibition “bewegt” (> moved) with works by the artists Bodo Korsig, MARCK, Margarete Adler and Adolf Luther. With this exhibition, the gallery founded in Bamberg in 2020 opens its Berlin location.

With the carefully curated exhibition “bewegt”, AOA;87 presents some highlights from its programme for the opening of the Berlin location. The artists Bodo Korsig, MARCK and Margarete Adler, who are directly represented by AOA;87, have created new works especially for the opening exhibition: the interactive video installation “shattering dreams, 2023” by Bodo Korsig and the collaborative work by the artists Margarete Adler and MARCK – Videosculptures “Wer bin ich?, 2023”. For the first time, the entire cycle “MUTTERLIEBE” by Berlin sculptor Margarete Adler will be presented, in which the artist portrays Berliners and their very own stories of development. Gallery owner Angela Kohlrusch contrasts the contemporary positions with the work Sphärisches Hohlespiegelobjekt, 1970, by the German conceptual artist Adolf Luther, thereby clarifying the understanding of the title„bewegt“ noch einmal erweitert.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of AOA 87 - Adolf Luther Sphaerisches Hohlspiegelobjekt 1970Adolf Luther, Spherical concave mirror object, 1970
Concave mirror, semi-transparent, plane mirror, wood, Plexiglas
118 x 118 x 7,8 cm, price on request, courtesy of AOA;87

The exhibition title “moved” encompasses a variety of implications that address physical as well as metaphorical, emotional or spiritual movements. It refers to moments of inspiration and wonder and is related to human freedom, responsibility and the ability to recreate one’s own identities and social fabric.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of AOA 87 - Margarete Adler - 2
Margarete Adler, Flieg Vogel, flieg, 2021, Cycle: Motherly Love
Cast in polyurethane, Messsing wire, oil, 78 x 63 x 58 cm
signed below, 3 + 1 AP, 28.000,00 EUR, courtesy of the artist 

A highlight of the exhibition is the interactive video installation “Shattering Dreams, 2023” (1300 x 330 cm) by Bodo Korsig (see cover picture of this article). “Shattering dreams” creates a world in which oversized spiders run along the walls and follow the visitors. They have the option of escaping the spiders, but they can also decide to bravely face them and fight them off. “Shattering Dreams” playfully invites viewers to face and explore their fears. It also allows us to show empathy and compassion for the fears of our fellow human beings. It reminds us that overcoming fears is a lifelong process.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of AOA 87 - Margarete Adler - 1MARCK and Margarete Adler, Who am I?, 2023
Clay, screens, electronics, oil paint, 70 x 50 x 41 cm, EUR 38,000.00, courtesy of the artist

The sculpture “Who am I?”, modelled by hand by Margarete Adler, is a fragmented portrait of a woman consisting of the interplay of different faces or masks that she pulls off. Are they facets of her personality, acquired protective mechanisms or masks of self-deception? The open back of her head is filled with video projections by video sculpture artist MARCK, with cables spilling out reminiscent of Pandora, who is often depicted with snake-like hair. This creates an additional layer of symbolism and mysticism. The videos shown present various “I” projections of our fears, our relationships and our search for our own identity.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of AOA 87 - MARCK_with_the_eyes_of_the_opposite_1
metal, 2 x round screens, screen, electronics
73 x 43 x 15 cm, 19.000,00 EUR, courtesy of the artist

As a further highlight, the visitors themselves will become part of an artwork by MARCK during the opening event. The cameraman G M D THREE will film the visitors, after which MARCK will integrate this footage into a work and show it during the exhibition. In this way, the exhibition will move to illuminate the connection between art, interaction and the search for one’s own identity in a world shaped by digital media.

ART at Berlin - courtesy of AOA 87 - MARCK - blackhairMARCK, Choice, 2023
Screen and iron frame, 130 x 77 x 7 cm, EUR 60,000.00, courtesy of the artist

With the juxtaposition of the Spherical Concave Mirror Object, 1970 by Adolf Luther, one of the leading representatives of the post-war avant-garde, gallery owner Kohlrusch opens the dialogue between past and present. A tension is created that allows viewers to explore and understand the development of art over time.

Opening: Friday, 8 September 2023, 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Exhibition dates: Friday, 8 September – Saturday, 28 October 2023

To the gallery



Image caption title: Bodo Korsig, Shattering Dreams, 2023, Video and sensor, price on request, Photo: Phillip Himburg

Exhibition bewegt – AOA;87 | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin

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