until 28.12. | #2291ARTatBerlin | Galerie aKonzept presents from 1st December 2018 the group show DEAD EXHIBITION. An almost narrative exhibition.
The idea for this exhibition came after reading a short anonymous French text. The subtitle of the exhibition “An almost narrative exhibition” was chosen because the works on display do not directly illustrate the text or tell its story. They are a supplement to its content.
db, the grandson of the famous mb and the son of the less famous jb, lives in his grandfather’s house in a
village far from a town, from which he was not allowed to leave and where he received us holding his dog
on a leash, first for a coffee on the terrace of a restaurant near the station from which we came – I think he
wanted to know if we were honest people before he let us into his house, formerly the house of his famous
grandfather – where he sat in front of us and ordered a sausage sandwich and apple juice, a coffee and
apple juice for us, without taking off his mirrored sunglasses, and we also did not take off ours, we talked
about his dog, she had hers too, then he took off his glasses, and I saw a blue one under his right eye that
wasn’t running down, I had already noticed the indicative tattoos on his forearms, we got up and went to his
house, but before he arrived he was attracted by the stiff body of a sparrow lying on his back and he wanted
to revive him and claimed that he could get him out of his lethargy with water, he told us to go on, then he
came to us and then we entered the great house of his grandfather, the famous mb, where he showed us
some works by such famous artists as his grandfather, then, because we were there to acquire a work, he
took from a large shelf a small object from 1957 by cm, which we bought, then he gave me a bill and told me
that he was more or less illiterate or dyslexic and that I shouldn’t blame him if he made spelling mistakes,
he couldn’t guess that I was writing this way to avoid spelling mistakes, which are more common when
words and style are too elaborate, and he took us back to the station, we liked each other, my girlfriend
sometimes texted him, and we saw him again a few weeks later, he seemed less tense, he knew us, didn’t
have to be suspicious anymore, we weren’t thieves, he unpacked a sculpture of hm, unscrewed it to show
us the signature and the date, it was over our budget, he almost apologized, I bought the beautiful multiple
OM MANI PADME HUM by fk from 1968, we left again after about an hour, and a few days after our visit, my
girlfriend sent him an e-mail to offer him a work of cg’s, but he didn’t answer even though we had previously
agreed to visit cm together, but since he didn’t answer my girlfriend’s e-mail, I called cm and he told me that
we could visit him the day after my call at 10 am, what we have done, and when we arrived, we told him we
would have liked to come with db, but he didn’t answer our messages, then mg said he shot his life,
Youri Lenquette / William Klein (each with details, collaged for the exhibition flyer)
YOURI LENQUETTE. The Last Shooting. Kurt Cobain with Gun 1. February 1994.
Gelatin silver print on Kodak paper from an edition of 5 only + 2 EA,
signed and numbered by the artist.
40 × 40 cm on 50 × 50 cm
Provenance: Raphaël Levy, Art dealer, Zurich, Switzerland.
4.500 EUR
WILLIAM KLEIN. Gun 1, New York. 1954, printed1986
Gelatin silver print. Titled, signed, and dated on the back.
45.4 × 33.3 cm on 50.3 × 40.3 cm
Provenance: Raphaël Levy, Art dealer, Zurich, Switzerland.
3.800 EUR
Gallery Visit of the exhibition by ART@Berlin in the form of a 360° 3D Panorama Tour:
WILLIAM BURROUGHS. Shot Sheriff Series, Nasty Young Cop. 1992
Acrylic on paper. Titled, signed, and dated in pencil.
61.0 × 45.7 cm
6.000 EUR
ROBIN PAGE. Nothing to Eat Art. 1971
Earth and plastic skeleton in a box. Title in black printed on the glass, signed and numbered on the back.
Edition of 10 copies.
43 × 32.8 × 9 cm
1.800 EUR
WOLF VOSTELL. El muerto que tiene sed – Der Tote der Durst hat. 1977
Signed, dated, and framed in a wood black box by the artist.
60 × 45 cm
4.500 EUR
ARNOLD ODERMATT. Stansstad. 1958
Gelatine silver print on baryta paper. Ed. 5/8
40 × 30 cm
Signed, dated, titled, and numbered on the back in pencil.
Fig. among others in the book Arnold Odermatt, The Biennale Selection 2001.
Provenance: Raphaël Levy, Art dealer, Zurich, Switzerland.
5.000 EUR
Exhibited Artists
William Burroughs, Central news, Al Hansen, Alexandre Hollan, William Klein, Milan Knizak, Jiri Kolar, Youri Lenquette, Boris Lurie, Franz Mon, Zoran Music, Arnold Odermatt, Robin Page, Arnulf Rainer, Arnulf Rainer and Dieter Roth, Guillaume Sebag, Jiri Valoch, Wolf Vostell
Vernissage: Friday, 30th November 2018, from 6:00 pm
Exhibition period: Saturday, 1st December to Friday, 28th December 2018
Performance: Saturday, 15th December 2018, 7:00 pm: extraordinary performance by the Berlin-based jazz-punk duo Die!Landschaft (Andreas Schlaege / Manfred Peckl).
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Image caption: Youri Lenquette / William Klein (each with details, collaged for the exhibition flyer)
DEAD EXHIBITION. An almost narrative exhibition – Galerie aKonzept | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin