PROLOGUE | PERSONAL ORLAN, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where do we talk together? Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? I WOULD BE AT MY USUAL DESK WITH MY LAPTOP AND MY PIECES AROUND ME […]
read morePrologue | Stef, imagine if the pandemic did not dominate our lives at the moment and we could meet in your home or in your studio. Where do we talk together? We would meet in my studio in berlin Wedding. 3rd floor, industrial building, a view onto brick buildings and roofs. Right now my studio is rather […]
read moreProlog | Mary Ellen, imagine Corona would not determine the current situation and you would welcome us in your home or studio. Where do we speak together? My home and studio are in a wooden house built by a whaling captain for his daughter in 1833. The walls are a bit crooked and the wide wooden floor boards […]
read morePrologue (please note the Epilogue in English language) Ron Miller ist das Berliner Artist Duo Marcus Klüh und Ronny Kindt. Marcus und Ronny, stellt Euch vor, wir würden uns zu diesem Interview persönlich treffen. Wo sprechen wir zusammen? Wir sitzen in unserem kleinen, aber feinen Atelier in den Heynhöfen, einem gewerblichen Hof-Ensemble für die Kreativwirtschaft […]
read moreProlog | Maike, wenn wir uns zu diesem Interview, das wir beide schriftlich geführt haben, persönlich hätten treffen können, wo würden wir dann jetzt miteinander sprechen? Wir treffen uns in meinem Atelier, in einem modern ausgebauten Fabrikgebäude in Berlin. Das Haus steht in zweiter Reihe zur Straße und ist mit einem Garten in recht ruhiger und […]
read morePrologue | Tina, tun wir so, als hätten wir normale Zeiten und würden uns persönlich zum Interview treffen. Wo würden wir miteinander sprechen? Wir sprechen in meinem Atelier, das sich in einem historisch interessanten Gebäude, dem Maggi-Haus an der Lützowstrasse in Schöneberg befindet. Vielleicht sitzen wir an Deinem Lieblingsplatz? Wir unterhalten uns stehend, da ich keine Stühle […]
read morePrologue | Marcius, let’s act as if we had normal times and would sit together now in your studio. Please describe the location and the atmosphere. My studio is on the second floor of a building with a discreet entrance in the neighborhood of Santa Cecília, close to downtown São Paulo. I have two rooms, which […]
read morePrologue | Clare, let’s imagine that we are meeting in person. As if we would speak together in your studio. Please describe it briefly. It’s industrial, expansive, neat. Maybe we are sitting at your favorite place? In the office – on a long and uncomfortable sofa on the first floor over looking the main studio. We’d like to […]
read morePrologue | Jelena, in times of social distancing we can use our imagination to put ourselves in an authentic situation, as if we were in an on-site interview. Please describe: where would we speak together? In the studio, which is situated in the industrial port of Belgrade. The studio occupies a part of a big […]
read morePROLOGUE | PERSONAL (Interview in German Language) Herr Müller, nehmen wir an, dieses Interview hätte in Form eines persönlichen Treffens stattgefunden. Wo würden wir jetzt zusammen sprechen? Zurzeit habe ich in der ehemaligen Backhalle einer Großbäckerei aus dem Jahr 1913 mein Atelier, viele Jahre waren es mein Schoß und meine Knie. Vielleicht sitzen wir an Ihrem Lieblingsplatz. […]
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