From 17 August 2024 (Opening 16.08.), Schloss Sacrow near Potsdam is presenting the exhibition GEGEN DEN STRICH (Against the grain) with works by 22 international artists from Generation Z. How are the lifestyles and values of this first, globally connected generation of ‘digital natives’ expressed in art and how do they differ from the older millennials and boomers? The exhibition opens with a vernissage on Friday, 16 August 2024 from 6 pm. Curator-led tours will be offered during the exhibition (see dates below). Schloss Sacrow and the nearby Heilandskirche church are nestled in the park area designed by Peter Joseph Lenné (1789-1866).
Generation Z comprises the cohorts born between the mid-1990s and 2012. Around 140 works by 22 Gen Z artists provide surprising insights into the emotional worlds and lifestyles of the first globally networked generation of ‘digital natives’, who differ from the older millennials and boomers in terms of their values. The exhibition also illustrates how this generation of artists transfers their …
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Image above: Elisa Breyer, What I ate in a week during Bürgergeld, 2024