until 25.02. | #1060ARTatBerlin | Galerie JeanMichelBerlin shows from 1st February 2017 a group exhibition with works by different artists.
Galerie JeanMichelBerlin shows from Wednesday, 1st February to Saturday, 25th February 2017 artworks and photographies by the following artists:
José Antonio Asensio, Annette Bischoff, Hanne Brenken, Jesús Miguel Rodríguez de la Torre, Rose Eisen, Esther Miranda Garrido, Willi Gilli, Hiraki Koichi, Feodora Hohenlohe, Françoise Mayeras, Liliana Orozco, Gerard Rosés, Steffen Wriecz and Yin Xin.
Within the framework of the group exhibition a musical evening with a friendly get-together will take place on Thursday, 9th February from 7 p.m. on. Music: Famous Sören Birke. Admission free. You are warmly invited.
Exhibition period: Wednesday, first February to Saturday, 25th February 2017
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Image caption: José-Antonio Asensio, Piano Grande, Öl auf Leinwand, 160 x 120 cm
Group exhibition – Galerie JeanMichelBerlin – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin