until 26.01. | #2306ARTatBerlin | Galerie Barbara Wien currently shows the exhibition the big aspiration of the small picture
One of Dieter Roth’s most important books, Mundunculumfrom 1967, is about perception, vocabulary and the world. In one of the pictures in this book, Roth shows “how a small picture can have a big aspiration, and a big picture can have a small aspiration”. It’s a sketch that outlines the impact of seeing – in the mind of the beholder, big can have a relatively small impact, whereas small can have a bigger impact. The sketch is of magnificent simplicity, and that’s the crux of the matter.
Dieter Roth, Mundunculum, 1967
We chose Dieter Roth’s drawing as a motto for our exhibition, which devotes itself to the small format. On show are drawings and objects from all artists represented by the gallery.
Artists: Georges Adéagbo Eric Baudelaire Nina Canell Mariana Castillo Deball Jimmie Durham Hans-Peter Feldmann Ester Fleckner Luca Frei Ludwig Gosewitz Ian Kiaer Arthur Köpcke Dave McKenzie Elisabeth Neudörfl Peter Piller Eva von Platen Vaclav Pozarek Michael Rakowitz Dieter Roth Tomas Schmit Shimabuku Ingrid Wiener Haegue Yang
Vernissage: Friday, 30th November 2018, 18:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Exhibition period: Saturday, 1st December 2018 – Saturday, 26th January 2019
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Image caption: Courtesy Galerie Barbara Wien – image from Dieter Roth, Mundunculum, 1967
Exhibition the big aspiration of the small picture – Galerie Barbara Wien | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin