until 03.02. | #1779ARTatBerlin | Galerie Eigenheim Berlin shows from 6th January 2018 the exhibition „Happy Unbirthday“ with the artists Moritz Wehrmann and Stephanie Hess in dialogue.
For the dialogue exhibition “Happy Unbirthday”, our in-house artist Moritz Wehrmann and the Zurich artist Stephanie Hess start an equally experimental and (de) mystifying trip into the New Year. The completely redesigned gallery space becomes a wonderland of optical illusions and magical ingredients.
The dried-up coffee grounds of the holidays are developing into the technology of the future, digital algorithms are drifting into the psychedelic, and daily routines are becoming absurd. Thus, as with Alice in Wonderland, each day of the exhibition is celebrated as a non-birthday full of surprises. Visitors can participate in this search for the fantastic in the profane, the past in the future, and the knowledge in illusion.
Both positions convey the fascination for seemingly supernatural phenomena and practices, be they borrowed from black magic, mysticism or the natural sciences. And both artists share the work on the break in the permanent repetition, or the transformation of supposedly familiar processes into something irritating and surprising.
Moritz Wehrmann, for example, is showing a new large-format print from the “Flou” series. In doing so, he transforms normative media images by systematically repetitive applications of digital image processing into shimmering colored line abstractions, which visually disclose the inherent algorithm structures behind the processes of the computer.
Moritz Wehrmann „Flou 0412“ / 2017
Or he points to commonalities of collective genesis in blockchain technology and human language, using the phrase “language is a blockchain” in various tombstone letters.
Moritz Wehrmann „language is a blockchain“ / 2017
With Stephanie Hess, the aspect of magic, staging and mystical rituals comes to the fore. Thus, a dancer dances non-verbally as a medium different basic figures of reading tea leaves.
Stephanie Hess „Anna Rabica“, 2017
Or common materials of the industry society such as Plastikbast, Styrofoam or cotton T-shirts are developed by the artist to cult-seeming masks, objects and punctuation, which merge basic geometric forms, ethno-ritual crafts and their own experiences as a dancer.
Stephanie Hess: „Figurationen: Situation 4.1“, 2017
In keeping with the theme and as an introduction to the “Days of Phenomena”, the vernissage will feature a transcendental-magical dance performance by the illusionary spiritualist Christian D. Link and the dancer Anna Herrmann, which will explore the fate of selected gallery visitors in the New Year.
Vernissage: Saturday, 06th January 2018, 07:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 06th January – Saturday, 03rd February 2018
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Image caption cover: Stephanie Hess, „Anna Rabica“, 2017
Exhibition Moritz Wehrmann und Stephanie Hess – Happy Unbirthday – Galerie Eigenheim | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin