until 14.01. | #0830ARTatBerlin | Gallery 68projects shows from 12th November 2016 the group exhibition “Me, Myself and I” by selected artists.
with Cassils, Colette, Mariana Hahn, Jürgen Klauke, Hendrina Krawinkel, Miriam Lenk, Ming Wong, Hansa Wißkirchen and more.
The gallery just provided a German exhibition description by now. For details please change to the german version of ART@Berlin. It is really easy: Just press the language button in the upper right corner. In an instant you will be forwarded to the article in German language. Bis gleich!
Vernissage: Saturday, 12th November, 6 – 9 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 12th November 2016 – Saturday, 14th January 2017
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Image caption: Jürgen Klauke, ICH+ICH, neunteiliges Fototableau auf Barytpapier, je 60 x 50 cm, 1970/2000
Exhibition Me, Myself and I – 68projects – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin