until 27.08. | #2788ARTatBerlin | Galerie ART CRU Berlin shows from 28th July 2020 the solo exhibition STAPELLAUF – WAS SONST with collages by the artist Macks Querfeldt.
When Macks Querfeldt gets his stacks going, he does not want this event to be understood exclusively as an account of private feelings. The artist’s work is just as much a protocol, created by selection, of the social upheavals that produce these very stacks. With his assemblages, Macks Querfeldt transforms the gallery into his press office, his kiosk, his world receiver.
O.T., 2019, Acryl u. Collage auf Leinwand, 40 x 60 cm
Kant, Leibniz or Freud, coffee-making monkeys or lace curtains. There is nothing that does not exist in the artist’s densely populated combination compositions. Macks Querfeldt arranges his view of the world from a great wealth of materials, newspaper and magazine cuttings, found objects, strings, upholstery, even wigs. In a constant process of collecting and selecting, a protocol of social upheavals is thus created. Among the 25 works shown are numerous “classical” collages, which in their combination with colored canvases on which the artist places his cutouts, are sometimes reminiscent in their effect of pioneers of collage and Pop Art, such as Robert Rauschenberg. Image and text cutouts result in an impressive overall unity. The viewers are confronted with a mass of elements that challenge them but do not overwhelm them.
With their color composition, the dense images immediately invite the viewer to explore them in a study and to wander away associatively. The exhibition also offers some surprises in the way it deals with form and medium. For example, the motif on our invitation card curves towards the visitor, a cushion covered with fabric, wrapped in a bright red ribbon. In another work, the artist has used acrylic paint to work on an oil painting found on the street. The original idyll with forest lake and mountain range was alienated, each tree trunk was painted over with a blue-red paint stroke to great effect and a single cut-out face with a headgear was added, which looks as if it is composed of numerous individual elements. Macks Querfeldt transforms the gallery with his assemblages and collages into his press office, his kiosk, his world receiver.
O.T., 2020, Stoff, Collage, Band auf MDF-Platte, 41 x 56 cm
Zuhause 2020, Collage, Gardine, Holzleiste, Acryl auf Leinwand, 90 x 121 cm
Macks Querfeldt has been active in various projects as an artist and in cultural work since the early 1990s. He has worked in film equipment, advertising and has been working in the wood workshop of VIA Blumenfisch gGmbH since 2010. There he can dedicate himself to the production of his art at his own studio.
Please observe the hygiene rules of the ART CRU Gallery. In spite of all restrictions, the Galerie ART CRU wants to set a hopeful sign with the first vernissage since the beginning of the pandemic and would be very pleased about your visit:
The minimum distance of 1.50m between guests must be observed. Wearing a mouthguard is obligatory if the distance falls below 1.50m. Only a number of persons can be in the gallery rooms at the same time (according to the regulations of the health department). We kindly ask you to fill in your contact details on the form and bring them with you. We have to do without drinks and snacks at the vernissage. We also have no possibility to visit our sanitary facilities during your visit. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Attention, modified opening hours: Tue + Thu 12-18, Wed. 14-18
Vernissage: Thursday, 23 July 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Exhibition dates: Tuesday, 28 July – Thursday, 27 August 2020
To the Gallery
Exhibition Macks Querfeldt – Galerie ART CRU | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin