until 03.08. | #2506ARTatBerlin| Galerie Inga Kondeyne – Raum für Zeichnung shows from 28th June 2019 the exhibition by the artist Kazuki Nakahara.
We cordially invite you to the “backstage” exhibition opening, with a small selection of new drawings by Kazuki Nakahara. On stage opens at the same time the Wichtendahl Galerie: MATS BERGQUIST I Vintersaga.
Kazuki Nakahara came from Tokyo via Vienna to Berlin in 2005 to study here. In the rapidly changing art world of this city he now asserts himself as an extraordinary draughtsman. Nakahara draws tightly meshed, linear networks with coloured pencil over the papers. At first glance, signs that cannot be unravelled are mostly horizontally flowing, woven into often overlapping worlds of lines. These, in turn, open up into long, excessive structural formations, which atmospherically surround light zones and flows. Motion patterns are fathomed in the interaction with and against each other, in collision or disappearance on levels of the surface newly conquered by him. A remarkable openness to the world spreads out graphically on the white papers.
Biography: Born 1980 in Kagawa/Japan; 2000-05 studies at Yokohama City University; 2005-10 studies at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; 2010/11 master student of Hanns Schimansky; prizes (selection) 2017 “Christine Perthen Prize for Etching”, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin; 2013/14 study visit to London (Pola Art Foundation, Japan); 2011 “Mart Stam Förderpreis”, Mart Stam Gesellschaft, Berlin; 2010 BBK Leipzig e.V.,1.Prize “Event Printmaking 2”; exhibitions (selection): 2011 Centre for Recent Drawing, London, fruehsorge contemporary drawing, Berlin, “Anschlüssel London-Berlin”; 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 Galerie Inga Kondeyne-Raum für Zeichnung, Berlin; 2014 Centre for Recent Drawing, London “travelling light”; 2016/2017 Tug Boat Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska (USA); Marxhausen Gallery of Art, Concordia University Seward of Nebraska (USA), “Drawing Performance: Abstraction from Berlin and the United States”; 2018 Kunstverein Eislingen, “8.biennial of Drawing – Awarded”; Galerie Parterre Berlin, “Drawing of the Present (II)”.
Vernissage: Friday, 28 June 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturda, 29th June – Saturday 3rd August 2019
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Image caption: o.T., 2019, Buntstift, Kreide auf Papier, 30 x 84 cm
Exhibition Kazuki Nakahara – Galerie Inga Kondeyne | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin