extended until 20.07. | #2490ARTatBerlin | Galerie Martin Mertens shows from 1st June 2019 the exhibition Rhythm of the Staple Gun by the artist Julius Bobke.
This second exhibition by Julius Bobke in the gallery is strongly focused on a new group of works that Bobke has created since 2018. For these pictures he uses excerpts from historical carpets from different epochs and cultures, which he inserts into the picture in a complex printing process, paints over them, bleaches them, cuts them together and reassembles them.
He repeatedly stretches the pictures from the stretcher frame in order to print them or sew them together again. The stapler is often used for this. The term rhythm or pattern thus refers to stapling, the rhythm of the sewing machine but also the patterns of the carpet fragments.
Basically, a painted picture is more closely related to a carpet than one might think at first glance, because both are ultimately dyed textiles. Julius says: “From the 13th to the 17th century, the Oriental carpet increasingly appeared as a decorative element in European painting. Today, more carpets are depicted in Renaissance paintings than have actually survived. Thus the research of Islamic art also focuses on European paintings in its investigations.”
It is obvious that sooner or later the carpet would come into the focus of Bobke’s artistic work, because the carrier material of some of his paintings are historical linen fabrics that can be 100 years or older. Bobke’s basic preoccupation with fabrics and their reaction to colors or chemical agents that change them means that the step to working with carpets is not far away.
Bobke: “The craft is particularly important here. Carpets are knotted by hand over a period of months. That fascinates me. In my own work, however, this is not an option for me. So I turn the adjusting screws of the craft, translate the medium in different steps, remove it from its origin and create something new. That’s an elementary, conceptual building block.”
Bobke combines digital processes on the computer and printer with analog instruments such as paint, brush and sewing machine. The exhibition title also conveys a certain humour, a playful lightness that the pictures radiate. In contrast, however, there is an intensive examination of the printing process. Even the smallest detail of his pictures is precisely planned, the supposedly random splashes of paint or stains of bleach are precisely set or painted. Little space is left to chance, although at first glance his paintings seem almost ready mades – like a collage of found remnants of fabric or a gestural spraying of paint on the canvas.
Many of his paintings are extremely subtle and only before the original can all subtleties be grasped.
Quotations of historical patterns, technical procedures, painterly settlements and controlled chemical processes combine to form a harmonious overall picture.
Vernissage: Saturday, 1st June 2019, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Ausstellungsdaten: Saturday, 1st June – Saturday, 13 July 2019 – extended until 20.07.2019!
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Exhibition Julius Bobke– Galerie Martin Mertens | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Ausstellungen Berlin Galerien | ART at Berlin