until 28.03. | #2695ARTatBerlin| Galerie Inga Kondeyne – Raum für Zeichnung shows from 21st February 2020 in the backstage of the gallery a small selection of paperworks by the artist Jana Troschke.
At the same time the Wichtendahl Gallery opens on stage the exhibition Alexandera Deutsch I Eva Walker – Objects, Etchings, Drawings
Jana Troschke did not start her artistic life as a draftswoman. After a long phase as a painter of large-format pictures, in which graphic works always played a role, she has been drawing exclusively since 2014. She follows the shapes from her everyday seeing while drawing. With collage or stencil fragments she playfully drives the development on the sheets. By overlaying structured fields and colored areas, a spatialization often arises. She transforms regularities of invented orders by means of free form structures – the artist sets the flow of drawing in motion.
Jana Troschke, born 1973 in Münster; 1993-1997 studied sculpture at the AKI, Academy of Fine Arts, Enschede, NL; 2018 and 2019 teaching position for drawing at the University of Dortmund; lives and works in Schildow near Berlin.
4.3.2019, Tusche, 50,5 x 36 cm
Exhibitions (Selection)
2019 Open studio, Schildow, René Farber, Jana Troschke
2018 paperfile #14, Galerie oqbo, Berlin; Punkt Trifft Linie, Galerie Inga Kondeyne – Space for Drawing, Berlin
2017 Open Studios AR_29, Berlin; there’s a light, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Neon Art Berlin; 4.pro filia art auction, FH Münster
2016 KM9 – Dein Kunstraum, Werkbox, Die Oortsche Wolke, Trier; Quartet, exhibition Galerie Inga Kondeyne/Wichtendahl Galerie, Berlin; Alles Zeichnung? Alles Palette? Exhibition Inga Kondeyne – Space for Drawing, Berlin
2014 Lange Nacht in den Gerichtshöfen, Berlin
2010 temporary gallery, Birgid Helmy and Jana Troschke, Schwerin
2008 Just Drawing, drawings in RC de Ruimte te IJmuiden, NL; Just Drawing, drawings, Havenkwartier, vm Davo-gebouw, Deventer, NL
2007 Ka Bomhardt and Jana Toschke, Gallery Inga Kondeyne, Berlin
2006 Cousinen, art space Villa de Bank, Enschede, NL
2006 Das Boot ist zu groß für den See, Gallery Inga Kondeyne, Berlin
2005 Pendelflug, Gallery Inga Kondeyne, Berlin; absurd absence of crime, Weissfaktor-Raum; contemporary art, Osnabrück; Spring Salon, Salon Anja Groeschel, Berlin
2004 Seven artists from Berlin, Berlin Art Project, Berlin
2003 Gallery Hein Elferink Drawings, Staphorst, NL (catalogue); Kunstverein Greven; Before Pictures After Pictures, Sixteen Painters from Berlin, Berlin; Gallery Witteveen, Amsterdam, NL (with Sandra Kruisbrink)
2002 Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede, NL; Ontplooid, Aki, Academy of Fine Arts
2001 Gallery Hein Elferink, Slingenberg, NL (with Stefan Wolf)
2000 Participation Arti Visive 3, Genoa
Opening: Friday, 21 February 2020, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Exhibition period: Friday, 21 February to Saturday, 28 March 2020
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Exhibition Jana Troschke– Galerie Inga Kondeyne | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin