until 31.08. | #2527ARTatBerlin | Galerie ART CRU Berlin presents from 2nd August 2019 the exhibition A DREAM – WHAT ELSE with works by 12 artists from the Offenes Atelier St. Hedwig, Berlin and the Project Ability, Glasgow.
Gallery ART CRU Berlin shows works of the intercultural exhibition project between the Offenes Atelier (> Open Studio) St. Hedwig, Berlin and the Project Ability, Glasgow. What is dream – what is reality? At what point do the two levels blur into each other? In art, dreams and realities can merge.
After an exhibition of works of art from the Open Studio in the gallery rooms of Project Ability in Glasgow in the summer of 2018, the St. Hedwig Hospital is inviting its Scottish colleagues* to the joint exhibition “A DREAM – WHAT ELSE” in Berlin. All participating artists* will face up to this theme. “The dream can sometimes lead us to the truth, but it can also turn out to be a fallacy. It can help us to forget reality, it can also seduce us to ignore it. Is the dream more beautiful or cruel than reality and reality more truthful than a dream? We ask these questions in the exhibition,” says Paula Schmidt-Dudek, director of the Open Studio St. Hedwig.
Angela McLauchlin, O.T., 2017, Fasermaler auf Papier, 30 x 23 cm
A total of 12 artists can be seen in the show. The list of participants from Glasgow begins with Richard Anderson, who works with geometricised natural forms in the technique of etching. Digital prints by Grant Glennie will be shown: black, easily falling snowballs made of fabric. Simon Mcauly is present with blurred and dissolving landscape photography, alongside Angela Mclauchlin’s dreams of classic Art Brut in fibre pencils and Alan Straiton’s horizontal and vertically smoothed snowfalls.
Alan Straiton, Horizontal Snow, 2018, Acryl auf Papier, 30 x 30 cm
Surrealist pictures by R. Fecit from Berlin can be seen, who lets a train travel through the sea, while Dirk Kühnel depicts, among other things, the dreamer himself. Robert Latka presents generously painted female figures, as if from another world. Yoshe Malku’s works provide expressive and technically variable insights into the perception of the artist, who apparently lets us participate in his nightmares. Violetta Volk’s pencil drawings, populated with dancing faun-like figures, draw us into a summer night’s dream with a hypnotic effect.
Works by Nina Valeska Witzel are shown in which she composes personalities from different periods on top of each other, as if drawn with a rainbow pencil.
Nina Valeska Witzel, Wandel und Zeiten II, 2018, Buntstift auf Papier, 30 x 40 cm
The group from the Open Studio is completed with Belhe Zaimoglu, who effectively shifts her enigmatic figures into the interior of the body against a monochrome background – in painterly day and night dreams.
Belhe Zaimoglu, Träumer, 2018, Mischtechnik auf Papier, 70 x 100 cm
Galerie ART CRU Berlin is Berlin’s only gallery for so-called Outsider Art since 2008. This term (introduced in 1972 by Roger Cardinal as a synonym for the term “Art Brut” coined by the painter Jean Dubuffet in 1945) describes the art of people with psychiatric experience or mental disabilities. We are convinced that the special perception of these artists* is represented in unique works of art of high authenticity. With our exhibitions, we present works by “outsiders” as an important part of contemporary art and thus want to stimulate an active discourse with the established art establishment. Located in the Kunsthof on Oranienburger Strasse, the gallery brings works by people with special experiences right into the heart of the Berlin art scene. The non-profit gallery ART CRU Berlin is supported by the association PS-Art e.V. Berlin, a network of various psychosocial institutions. Alexandra von Gersdorff-Bultmann is the initiator of the project and director of the gallery.
On the occasion of the gallery’s fifth anniversary, a chronicle has been published containing the exhibition catalogues from 2008-13. In 2014 the gallery took part for the first time in the Outsider Art Fair in Paris, the most important fair for “outsider art” in Europe. In the same year 5 artists* from the network of PS-Art e.V. Berlin were nominated for the international art award Euward.
Vernissage: Thursday, 1st August 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Welcome: Prof. Dr. med. Felix Bermpohl, Chefarzt Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik der Charité im St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus
Prof. Doris Titze, Leitung Aufbaustudiengang KunstTherapie, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden | „Traum und Bild“
Mechthild Niemann-Mirmehdi, Leitung Therapeutische Dienste PUK Charité im SHK, Kunstaustausch Project Ability Glasgow & Offenes Atelier St. Hedwig
Exhibiotion Introduction: Jim Ewans, Project Ability, Glasgow
Paula Schmidt-Dudek, Künstlerische Leiterin Offenes Atelier St. Hedwig
Music: Niko Zeidler, Saxophon, Live Music Now – Yehudi Menuhin Berlin e.V.
Exhibition period: Friday, 2nd August – Saturday, 31st August 2019
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Exhibition A DREAM – WHAT ELSE – Galerie ART CRU | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin