Today, 15 March 2019, the first “Day of the Art of Printing”, the anniversary of the inclusion of artistic printing techniques in the National Directory of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the German UNESCO Commission, will take place nationwide.
On 23 March, Gregor Jansen (Kunsthalle Düsseldorf) and Andreas Schalhorn (Kupferstichkabinett Berlin) will dedicate a panel discussion to the topic “From Pre- to Postdigital Reproductive Art in Brazil and Germany”. The discussion will take place at the Leipzig Book Fair and will be moderated by Ludwig Seyfarth.
“The influence of political events and social conditions can be seen in prints like no other art form,” said Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, President of the Goethe-Institut, in his opening speech for the exhibition “The Power of Duplication” at the Leipzig Cotton Spinning Mill. “This was the case in the Brazilian military dictatorship – as the screen prints by Regina Silveira from the 1970s, which can be seen in this exhibition, prove – but also and especially in the GDR. At the moment, printmaking is experiencing a worldwide trend among both established and young artists …
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Image caption: Die Macht der Vervielfältigung, 28.02.-23.03.2019, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Photo: Walther Le Kon
Diskussion: From Pre- to Postdigital Reproductive Art in Brazil and Germany | Leipziger Buchmesse – ART at Berlin