
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Gerold Miller

PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Mr. Miller, where are you from, where were you born and when? I was born in 1961 in Upper Swabian Altshausen. Where do you currently live and work? We commute between Berlin and Pistoia/Italy. What stations and people have influenced you? Long working stays in Chicago, New York, Sydney and Paris. Which writers do you currently find exciting […]

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Iris Musolf

PROLOGUE | PERSONAL Mrs. Musolf, where do we talk? In my studio. It is a beautiful, big and very bright room with ceilings 5 meters high. It’s situated in the 3rd floor of a school building of the former German Democratic Republic (in German: DDR, in English: GDR) in Berlin, in between the triangle of the […]

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Ron Miller

Prologue (please note the Epilogue in English language) Ron Miller ist das Berliner Artist Duo Marcus Klüh und Ronny Kindt. Marcus und Ronny, stellt Euch vor, wir würden uns zu diesem Interview persönlich treffen. Wo sprechen wir zusammen? Wir sitzen in unserem kleinen, aber feinen Atelier in den Heynhöfen, einem gewerblichen Hof-Ensemble für die Kreativwirtschaft […]

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Michael Müller

PROLOGUE | PERSONAL (Interview in German Language) Herr Müller, nehmen wir an, dieses Interview hätte in Form eines persönlichen Treffens stattgefunden. Wo würden wir jetzt zusammen sprechen? Zurzeit habe ich in der ehemaligen Backhalle einer Großbäckerei aus dem Jahr 1913 mein Atelier, viele Jahre waren es mein Schoß und meine Knie. Vielleicht sitzen wir an Ihrem Lieblingsplatz. […]

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Michal Martychowiec

Michal Martychowiec, born 1987 in Lublin, Poland, is a contemporary conceptual artist. He studied at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London and graduated with distinction. Martychowiec’s works, mostly in larger series, cover almost all genres of artistic expression. Depending on the question and subject, he uses the medium of photography, […]

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Daniel Marzona in 360°

Daniel Marzona, born 1969 in Bielefeld, studied art history and philosophy at the Ruhr University Bochum. From 2001 to 2004 he worked as a curator at the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Institute, New York. In 2004, together with Elena Carlini, he founded the publishing house Navado Press and began publishing numerous texts on contemporary art. From […]

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Sandeep Mukherjee

The artist Sandeep Mukherjee is known for his installations, sculptures and large-scale murals. The native Indian immigrated to the United States at the age of 21. He lives and works in Los Angeles. Since 2006 he has worked as an art professor at Pomona College in Claremont, California. In 2017 he exhibited his art at […]

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