Brief description
Genre & material
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A dark, cathedral-like forest of beeches and pines curves above a small footbridge, on which a young woman stands. She is dressed in white, in the style of Romanticism, with an aproned skirt, white stockings and a headscarf. She has placed a bundle of hay on the handrail of the bridge. She is looking towards the viewer. Blechen has created three lighting accents in the largely dark green to black shades of the painting. The middle one is the strongest emphasis – here, the forest opens up at the place where a lane, covered in puddles and morass and leading across the footbridge, leaves the forest and at the same time provides a view of Spandau. A cathedral can be seen in the background, which thrones over a wide river on a citadel. Blechen has also created lighting accents on the left and right of the picture; these are, however, milder than that in the centre. The threefold division of the picture in composition with the mystic sublimity of the forest as a space, which radiates protectiveness despite the darkness, evokes the interior of a church, whose intellectual counterpart can be found in the man-made church structure, which is small in the background, yet still perceivable in the centre of the picture. In this work, Blechen impressively showcases the large, mystic, wild nature in contrast to man and his constructed world of the “city”.
Hier geht es zu dem Museum in Berlin, in dem Sie dieses Meisterwerk finden
ART@Berlin: Carl Blechen – Waldweg bei Spandau