Unusual insects, a text A.I. that thinks about biodiversity and a 15-meter-high dinosaur in the middle of Moritzplatz – the exhibition “Ambassadors of Nature” at CLB Galerie breaks new ground with exciting references combining digital technology, science and nature. Opening on May 17th, 6 pm.
n the month of Artificial Intelligence, the performative think tank SAVE THE FUTURE presents an exhibition at the interface of analog and digital art that takes visitors into the fragile world of biodiversity. As a renowned ambassador of biodiversity, Prof. Dr. Johannes Vogel, Director of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, will take over the welcome: using a QR code, he appears digitally and provides an entertaining introduction to the topic.
The visual artist Nándor Angstenberger has created the 2-meter-high, filigree sculpture of a tree especially for the exhibition. A Tree is made of …
Continue reading the article about the exhibition at CLB on DEEDS.NEWS.
Image above: Daniel Kalafata-Müller. SFT KEYVISUAL NEW.