until 19.03. | #0377ARTatBerlin | From January 29, 2016 Galerie Sievi shows the exhibition „Im Rausch der Farben“ by Mehmet Güler.
Vernissage: Friday, January 29, 2016, 7 p.m., Susanne Schaeffer (Flute) and Raffi Geliboluoğlu (Violoncello) play “Suite populäre turc” by Raffi Geliboluoğlu
Exhibition period: Friday, January 29 to Saturday, March 19, 2016
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Image caption: Mehmet Güler, “Goethe und ich”, 2015, Öl auf Leinwand, 150×200
Mehmet Güler – Exhibition – Galerie Sievi – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin