until 04.08. | #1408ARTatBerlin | Galerie ART CRU Berlin presents from 23th June 2017 the exhibition “To Be Aware” by the artists Alexander Kurfürst and Katinka Kaskeline.
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Alexander Kurfürst
Katinka Kaskeline
Vernissage: Thursday, 22nd June 2017, 7 p.m.
Exhibition period: Friday, 23rd June to Friday, 4th August 2017
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Image caption (cover): Alexander Kurfürst, o.T.,o.J., Fasermaler, Auarell, 51×76
Image caption 2: Alexander Kurfürst, o.T.,o.J., Kreide, 50×68
Image caption 3: Alexander Kurfürst, o.T.,o.J., Fasermaler, Auarell, 51×76 2
Image caption 4: Katinka Kaskeline, O.T., 2017, Acryl, Transparentpapier, ausgeschnittene Buchillustrationen, Zeichentusche auf Holz, 60×42
Image caption 5: Katinka Kaskeline, O.T., 2013, Collage, Kunststofffolie, Motten ausgeschnittene Buchillustrationen, Landkarte, Bindfaden, 44,5×51,5
Image caption 6: Katinka Kaskeline, scham, 2010, Acryl, Neongelstifte, Zeichentusche auf Papier, 41,5×57,5
Exhibitions Berlin Galleries: Alexander Kurfürst + Katinka Kaskeline – To Be Aware – Galerie ART CRU Berlin | ART at Berlin