until 02.12. | #1654ARTatBerlin | Köppe Contemporary shows from 27th October 2017 the exhibition “Lieber ungeniert – als kleinkariert” by the artist Barbara Quandt.
In the 70s and 80s Barbara Quandt developed her personal painting style. Her explosive and passionate style of painting was inspired by her stays in London and New York. In the American metropolis, for example, the artist finally had the studio to work on large screens and also to carry out painting and material experiments. She used patterned decorative fabrics as a base for her paintings, and in addition to acrylic and oil paints, colors from the spray can were also used. Large format paintings, paper works, sketches, drawings and stage designs were created during this time.
Frau Lehni 2, 2017, Acryl Kohle auf Papier, 70 x 54 cm
Art, love, music and dance and travel through the world – and the artist observing herself in the midst of events – such images are messages of great passions. Much of this equally subjective and passionate and carefree life-affirming work from the early 1980s are held entirely in the vibrant neoexpressive style of the “Neue Wilde”, to whose environment the artist is counted.
Freier Flug 1991, Acryl-Leinwand, 190 x 120 cm web
But the painting style of Barbara Quandt has always defied a determination. Out of the cornucopia of an insatiable desire for new experiences, Barbara Quant has continually enriched and expanded her oeuvre. The autobiographical impact has remained: The portrayal of physicality and body awareness runs like a thread through the entire oeuvre.
Miss Hokusai 1, 2017, Antiktusche auf China Papier, 26 x 41 cm
What’s left is Barbara Quant, the subject of man. Man, his unstable life, being on the road and his passionate and daring struggle for creative self-determination and independence – that was Barbara Quant’s theme par excellence right from the start.
Frau Lehni 3, 2017, Acryl-Kohle-Papier, 70 x 54 cm
This dimension of depth is particularly evident in Barbara Quant’s current exhibition – with a photo gallery from the late 1980s to the brand new works from 2017. Especially through the specific view of Barbara Quant on people and everyday life, the works shown have a strong emotional impact.
André Lindhorst, Sept. 2017
Vernissage: Thursday, 26th October 2017, 7 to 10 p.m.
Exhibition period: Friday, 27th October to Saturday, 2nd December 2017
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Image caption cover: Miss Hokusai 2017, Öl-Leinwand, 140x120cm
Exhibition: Barbara Quandt – Lieber ungeniert – als kleinkariert – Köppe Contemporary | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin
Barbara Quandt | Lieber ungeniert – als kleinkariert | Köppe Contemporary | 27.10.-02.12.2017
#1654ARTatBerlin | Köppe Contemporary @koeppecontemporary zeigt seit dem 27. Oktober 2017 die Ausstellung "Lieber ungeniert – als kleinkariert" der Künstlerin Barbara Quandt. In den 70er und 80er Jahren entwickelte Barbara Quandt ihren persönlichen Malstil. Auslöser für ihren explosiven und leidenschaftlichen Malstil waren ihre Aufenthalte in ... MEHR HIER: https://www.artatberlin.com/ausstellungbarbara-quandt-lieber-ungeniert-als-kleinkariert-koeppe-contemporary-contemporary-art-kunst-in-berlin-art-at-berlin/ #koeppecontemporary #barbaraquandt #Kunst #Berlin #exhibition #artlovers #Galerie #Gallery #artwork #Kunstwerk #art #contemporaryart #artfair #modernart #artworks #berlinart #biginberlin #instaart #artwork #kunstentdecken #artwatchers #künstler #artists #artatberlin #deedsworld