until 07.11. | #1662ARTatBerlin | Art Management Berlin presents from 1st November 2017 at WHITECONCEPTS in Berlin-Mitte the exhibition “X Metro” by the artist Aimée Joaristi.
“Per Metro” is a new proposal of meaning in the creation of the artist of Cuban origin, residing in Costa Rica, Aimée Joaristi. It is a sui-generis piece that amalgamates in the same structure the installation, the pictorial and the object. Born of the encounter of the artist with her country of origin, Cuba, this work reflects the sad confirmation of a reality in which the most absolute lack is hidden behind simulations of happiness promoted and sold by the advertising devices and the political discourse. It is, in itself, a denunciation of the saturation at certain levels and of extreme poverty at others. The pictorial matter is transformed here into a support susceptible to social denunciation. It is, no doubt, a pretty gutsy gesture to use pictorial art as a means of critical debate. The roll, which certainly refers to the roll of toilet paper, is the perfect metaphor to point out the permanent state of abjection and excrescence of which the contemporary society suffers, no longer allowing any zones of tolerance or horizontal comfort. The non-discriminatory use of resources in certain areas and the lack of these resources in others, outline a rather desolate and bleak panorama. X Metro is undoubtedly an echo of this serious symptom. Andrés Isaac Santana
It’s always meant to be complicated. Many know that she does not say anything that can be easily understood, but art speaks to all of us. To those who believe and those who dedicate themselves to observing it, to appreciate it and, of course, why not, to enjoy it.
And though art is often in the established places, sometimes it is refused and is by chance. So I found the work of Aimée Joaristi, a painter of all time, who has spent 20 years devoting himself to interior design and architecture and now does not let the brush go.
Of course, I could not find one, found also Rebecca Wilson, curator and director of Saatchi Art Gallery in London, who has already picked twice the weekly recommendations made by the gallery and even included is in her permanent collection.
To understand your work you have to look at the source. Aimée is a citizen of the world, has indissoluble ties in many countries, and great generosity to welcome everyone within. Why speak with her is an indecipherable accent that times are approaching the Cuban accent of their parents and their childhood, and then becomes the teenager who has lived in Madrid to become a dragon.
In her studies she has always tried the creativity. In Madrid she was studied interior design and then moved to New York where she lived and studied Graphic Design for 5 years. In the middle, her parents decided to look for refuge in Costa Rica where they moved with the whole family.
That transfer was fundamental to its future. Costa Rica gave her another vision. It is a country where the strength of color is much stronger and this influence has become predominant in its way of displaying and creating plastic.
Suddenly, her life took another time and found himself living in Milan with her husband. Here she still had to adapt to the environment and without hesitation she entered the world of fashion. She decided to find new designers who would need a representative to put them in the best stores. That process opened the door to the era of interior design.
And this is that the interior was completely devoted once she returned to Costa Rica. She began to be required successfully and cultivate at the same time a restlessness of all time: draw and paint in his free moments. Until suddenly her voice alerted her, telling her that when she gave room to painting, she could not put her aside.
And so it was. For a long time that doubt made it completely to architecture and decoration. She has collaborated with a renowned Guatemalan architect Enrique Borascout and created a studio in San Jose. She began to distinguish himself as recognized in the guild and without doubt got honors, the National Youth Award in 2008 and 2009 in more than one category.
Just over a year ago, the picture called her sincerely. And since her world had many parts, she started to work firmly. Her works call into question the values of institutional art and the interventions that make it concern geometric painting.
Her compositions are just another way of seeing the world, which through many parts becomes one. With great sincerity she began to work, seeking in various places to create a new proposal, no doubt novel and disturbing.
So when you look at a work of these you have to tell what I can see there, what makes me feel this? We will all have different answers, but there will be Aimée’s triumph on awakening in those who observe, different emotions.
And that work is taking her away. Not only do I get to a place at the Saatchi Gallery, but her creations have made room in several collections including Francisco Cantos Baquedano, one of the founding members of the ARCO Council in Madrid or private collection Fernández Iturbide in Mexico
Follow her, her work has a lot to say and can help us find fragments of art that undoubtedly live in our private universe.
by Kryssia Ortega
Aimée Joaristi – CV
Individual exhibitions
2017 Escindida / Splitting /, Andrés Isaac Santana, Havana, Cuba.
2016 Cathedrals, Klaus Steinmetz Contemporary, Escazú, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2015 Silencios y Gritos / Silences and Cries /, and publishing the book with the same name by the Editorial M/M of Mexico, la Klaus Steinmetz Contemporary, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica.
2014 Volver a ver / To see again /, Equilátero, San Jose Costa Rica.
2013-14 Amador de Los Ríos Gallery, Madrid.
2013 Mirada Fractal / Fractal look /, Despacio, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2016 Winner of Emerging Artist Award Dubai
2016 IMAGOMUNDI guest, global art project by Luciano Benetton.
2016 Winner of the exhibition at the TAG Gallery, IEAA, Brssels, International Art Dubai Project.
2016 Invited to attend the 5th Biennial of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
2016 Exhibition at the Museum from Plaza de la Constitución, Guatemala, Ciudad.
2015 Special Selected by the 5th Riga International Triennial, Latvia, April 2015, that her works to be part of the collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Riga National Museum, Latvia.
2015 Commissioned by Saatchi Gallery to make a painting, “THE END OF THE BEGINNING”.
2014 Selected for a numbered collection of foulards by Ostinelli Seta, Milano, Italy
2013 Selected seven times consecutively by Rebecca Wilson, for the Pop and Open Surrealism collection at the Saatchi Gallery in London and commissioned for the creation of a specific work for the collectors of the gallery.
2013 Selected by Art and Fashion, Great Britain, “La Fiesta del Laberinto”/ Labyrinth Party/ for textile design. Collective exhibitions
Collective Exhibitions
2017 Art Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
2016 Oxygen, FragmentedCities, Jorge Jurado Art Studio, Bogota, Colombia.
2016 Gallery 1-2-3, Avantgarde, Miami, Florida.
2016 Gallery 3 x 4, Madrid, Spain.
2016 Biennial of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
2016 VALOARTE, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2016 JUSTMAD, Madrid, Spain.
2015 Museum of Modern Art, Rozas Botrán Foundation, Exhibition that corresponds to the artists from the book ENTRESIGLOS / BETWEEN CENTURIES edited by this Foundation. Guatemala, Ciudad.
2015 SUMMA Contemporary Art Fair, Matadero de Madrid, Spain 2015.
2015 Riga International Triennial of Fiber and Textile, Latvia.
2015 MAS es Mas, Equilátero Gallery, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2015 JUSTMAD, Art show emerging sister of ARCO Madrid, represented by Materna & Herencia Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
2014 SOFA CHICAGO ART FAIR, represented by Maria Elena Kravetz Gallery. 2014 Ivory Black Weekend, John Juric Studio, District 4, San José, Costa Rica.
2014 Central American Art Exhibition, Northern Trust and Rozas Botrán Foundation, curated by Carol Damian, Director and Chief Curator, Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University.
2014 Central American Art Exhibition, Northern Trust and Rozas Botrán Foundation, curated by Carol Damian, Director and Chief Curator, Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University.
2014 For the Love of Fashion, John Juric Studio, Plaza Tempo, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2013-14 Artflow, Avenida Escazú, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2013 Collective Exhibition, Plaza Tempo, John Juric Art Studio, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2013 Collective Exhibition, Casino John Juric Art Studio, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2012 Collective Exhibition, Avenida Escazú, John Juric Art Studio, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2011 Collective Exhibition, Casino, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2017 Participation in the book Important World Artists. A World of Art. Volume II. www.wwab.us.
2017 Participation in the book The First Berliner Art Book 2017, Gabriela Caranfil Curator, Berliner Kunst Management.
2016 Participation in the book Entre Siglos / Between Centuries /. Contemporary Art from Central America and Panama. Rozas-Botrán Publication. Guatemala, September 2016.
2016 Participation in the book The Best of 2016. INTERNATIONAL EMERGING ARTIST AWARD. Dubai.
2015 Silencios y gritos / Silences and Cries /, Editorial M / M of Mexico. 2015.
Vernissage: WHITECONCEPTS, Wednesday, 1st November 2017, 6 p.m.
Exhibition period: Wednesday, 1st November to Tuesday, 7th November 2017
Event Location: WHITECONCEPTS, Auguststraße 35, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Curated by Gabriela Caranfil
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Image caption cover: XMETRO AIMÉE JOARISTI 1-7 November 2017 Whiteconcepts gallery
Image caption 1: Personal Photo Aimée Joaristi
Image caption 2: Aimée Joaristi XMETRO
Exhibition: Aimée Joaristi – X Metro – Art Management Berlin at WHITECONCEPTS | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin