until 08.04. | #1899ARTatBerlin | Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK) shows from 17th March 2018 the group exhibition “wild and connected” with artworks by seven different artists.
Wildness is the preservation of the world.
(Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862)
From March 17 to April 8, 2018, the gallery VEREIN BERLINER KÜNSTLER presents the upcoming exhibition under the title wild and connected. On Friday, March 16, 2018, the participating artists cordially invite you to the opening.
Jutta Barth | Birgit Borggrebe | Marilyn Green | Susanne Kessler | Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier | Christiane Rath | Ingo Botho Reize
In times of the Anthropocene, the question of the savage, the untouched, the original arises with new urgency. Are we already so domesticated by digitization and compulsory conformity that we have lost the savagery and originality of thinking?
Networking as a global phenomenon affects not only people, but also matter and nature. Connectedness and savagery are not necessarily a pair of opposites. But the question remains, how much wildness and originality individuals and societies endure?
The participating artists from Berlin and Cologne have engaged individually with each other, but also with each other, dealing with this topic. It has come out a tense mixture.
Jutta Barth exposes her network of structures in the object and image of her subjective treatment, Marilyn Green preserves her ferocity in the gestural painting, Birgit Borggrebe shows in her very own image finding the loss of connectedness, Susanne Kessler connects the space with drawings of the human brain, in her videos Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier sheds light on the bondage and strangeness of animals and humans, Christiane Rath domesticated the New Zealand jungle in large format b / w photographs and Ingo Botho Reize shows the growth of a wild meadow in a fascinating time-lapse video.
The Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK) House of Artists – more than a gallery – is a self-governing and independent association of visual artists living and / or working in Berlin. The club’s own gallery on Schöneberger Ufer acts as a platform for various exhibition formats and discourse events. In addition, the VBK cooperates with national and international organizations and implements art projects in Germany and abroad. Founded in 1841, the VBK is the oldest association of artists in Germany and currently represents 120 active members.
Vernissage: Friday, 16th March 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 17th March to Sunday, 8th April 2018
Finissage with artist talk: Sunday, 8th April 2018, 3.30 p.m. Presented by Sandra Becker/artist
Event in the framework of the exhibition – ARTS CLUB BERLIN im VBK: Monday, 26th. March 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Jellyfish, Sponge & Co Underwater photography from Berlin and East German lakes
Ohh, lhh and Aaah – the photographer and diver Detlev Loll reports about his dives. “wild and connected” goes underwater. We always wanted to know what’s going on among us when we go swimming in the lake …
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Image captures: 1. Marilyn Green-Reaching Out – Malerei – www.marilyn-green.com, 2. Christiane Rath -natures- Fotografie auf Stoff – www.rath-art.de. 3. Claudia M. Kochsmeier – SebenMagara -Video still – claudiamichaelakochsmeier.de, 4. Birgit Borggrebe – Alpenglühn – Malerei – birgitborggrebe.de, 5. Susanne Kessler-synaptic drawing – Rauminstallation – www.susannekessler.de, 6. Jutta Barth -wild and connected – Raumskulptur – j–barth-berlin.de, 7. Ingo Botho Reize – o.T., Video still – www.kunstmitalgen.de – www.fotosdematur.de
Exhibition wild and connected – Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin
wild and connected | Group Exhibition | Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler | 17.03.-08.04.2018
#1899ARTatBerlin | Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK) @verein_berliner_kuenstler will be showing the group exhibition "wild and connected" from 17 March 2018 with works by seven different artists. MORE BELOW: ----- wild and connected | Gruppenausstellung | Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler | 17.03.-08.04.2018
#1899ARTatBerlin | Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK) @verein_berliner_kuenstler zeigt ab 17. März 2018 die Gruppenausstellung "wild and connected" mit Werken von sieben verschiedenen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern. MEHR HIER:
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Wild and connected | Ausdtellungsdauer: 17.03.-08.04.2018 | Eröffnung am Freitag, 16.0318, 19 Uhr. Die Künstler und Künstlerinnen der Ausstellung freuen sich euch zu begrüßen. #juttabarth #birgitborggrebe #marilyngreen #susannekessler #claudiamichaelakochsmeier #christianerath #ingobothoreize #1899ARTatberlin #ausstellungseröffnung #galerievbk #vereinberlinerkünstler #kunstinberlin #contemporaryart #art #artberlin