until 22.12. | #1713ARTatBerlin | ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE shows from 17th November 2017 the exhibition “small things:good things. DAS KLEINE FORMAT.” with paintings, sculptures, drawings and objects by 37 artists.
small things:good things. THE SMALL FORMAT. is the title of the new exhibition in which we exhibit works from 37 artists, old and new friends. Joseph Beuys once explained that “every artist should be able to live from his own hands” and this is the way to see this exhibition. You will see paintings, sculptures, drawings and objects between 500 € and 6.000 €. We present works created between 1998 and last week, small-scale works of high quality.
With works from …
Pet Bartl-Zuba, Matthias Beckmann, Sofie Bird Møller, Laura Bruce, Sun Young Byun, Christina Doll, Sven Drühl, Frederik Foert, Sabine Herrmann, Vanessa von Heydebreck, Zhang Hui, Klaus Killisch, Franziska Klotz, Jürgen Köhler, Karsten Konrad, Julia Krahn, Olaf Kühnemann, Young-Jae Lee, Jan Muche, Chris Newman, Ronald Noorman, Mari Otberg, Tsuyoshi Ozawa, Mario Peinze, Tan Ping, Beijing-Berlin Project, Peter Riek, Bettina Scholz, Karolin Schwab, Wang Shugang, Luzia Simons, Malte Spohr, Moritz Stumm, Radek Szlaga, Alex Tennigkeit, Micha Ullman and Zhao Zhao.
Vernissage: Thursday, 16th November 2017, 07:00 to 09:00 p.m..
The deadline for the registration for the Opening on November 16, 2017 is until November 14, 2017.
Please contact us at sekretariat@alexanderochs-private.com or call us: +49(0)3045086878.
Exhibition period: Friday, 17th November to Friday, 22nd Dezember 2017
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Image captions: 1: Peter Riek, Begreifst du nicht, 2014, 15 x 10 cm, Ölpastell auf Papier, 2: Sven Drühl, S.D.C.G.T xs II, 2017, 50 x 40 cm, Lack auf Leinwand, 3: Karsten Konrad, ohne Titel, 2017, Holz, beschichtete Spanplatte, Glas, Messing, Metall, Aluminium, 4: Mari Otberg, Demut, 2015, 30 x 25 cm, Vinyl auf Fichtenholz, 5: Klaus Killisch, Bosendörfer, 2017, 25 x 25 cm, Öl auf Leinwand, 6: Alex Tennigkeit, Mantis religiosa, 2017, 30 x 30 x 3 cm, Öl, Patina, Leinen geleimt auf HDF, 7: Sabine Herrmann, Excentric pink, 2014, 13,8 x 20 cm, Pigmente in Acryl auf Farbpapier, 8: Luzia Simons, Blacklist Nr. 8, 2015, 40 x 29 cm, Scannogramm, Pigmentprint auf Harman – Hahnemühle Gloss Art Fibre, 9: Frederik Foert, Nordwand – Modell Reinhold, 2017,20 x 30 x 7 cm, Holzwinkel, Porzellan, Bakelitt-Lampe, 10: Bettina Scholz, ohne Titel, 2017, 51 x 26 cm, Buntlack auf Acrylglas, 11: Karoline Schwab, WHAT YOU SEA NO8, 2017, 25 x 25 cm, Aquarell, 12: Julia Krahn, Herz Mein, 2010, 5 x 4 cm, Polaroid, antike Brosche mit handgeschliffenem Glas, 13: Sofie Bird Møller, ohne Titel (aus der Serie ‘Collage Taipei’), 2016, 30,2 x 21,4 cm, Mischtechnik
Exhibition small things:good things. DAS KLEINE FORMAT. – ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE | ART@Berlin