until 11.01. | #2644ARTatBerlin | Galerie Friedmann-Hahn currently presents the solo exhibition Sirens and Tamaschowskys by the artist Marc Taschowsky with paintings and objects between Superflat, Pop, Trash & Comic.
“Ich benutze Motive, die bereits da sind. Das ist natürlich einerseits Pop Art, andererseits ist es komplett Zeitgeist, es ist Hip Hop.” – Marc Taschowsky
Pop Art, Post-Pop, Neo-Dadaism, Surrealism, Punk, Comic, Camp, Superflat – Marc Taschowsky works between and within these various movements. He samples fragments of paintings, creating collages of tonal layers, using lettering. It’s a wild game involving set pieces from advertising, merchandise and consumer society. In his fifth solo exhibition “Sirens and Tamaschowskys” in the GALERIE FRIEDMANN-HAHN his paintings and magical creatures are created from commercials and the waste of our throwaway society.
His paintings show monsters from science fiction films, like Jabba the Hutt’s bodyguards from “Star Wars”, cavort alongside a girl playing the cello; there’s a Super Mario character peeping out somewhere else, a Pokémon flying across the picture, a Toucan pops its head out from among some greenery and there are hummingbirds flying all over, while beetles crawl along and fish float past. “In my paintings, I play. It’s the ironic; the funny; the mischievous; the crazy that I’m interested in.”
Marc Taschowsky “Kermit”, 2019, Oil on Canvas, 200 x 160 cm
His figures can be viewed as modern archetypes, that he positions in his visual worlds. Marc Taschowsky incorporates trash- and Comic elements. “The flood of images in the media is ubiquitous. Without us even realising, it is planted into our collective visual memory. This provides me, as a painter, unlimited access to motifs of all kinds.”
In addition to his motif worlds, Marc Taschowsky paints heads: comic and film characters, musicians, painters, politicians, the Pope. He shows icons on the present day: childhood heroes, like Ernie and Bert, the Smurfs, Czech cartoon “Mole”, Cookie Monster, but also Marilyn Monroe, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King or R2D2. “Of course I´m involved with the entire history of painting, but it´s not the figures themselves, that interest me, but how I, as a painter, can play with them.
Marc Taschowsky in his studio (Photography: Markus Schenck)
His objects and assemblages are his “Tamaschowskys”, a play on words from his name and the computer game Tamagotchi, a virtual pet. Assembled from waste, trash-fragments, an upside-down lampstand combinded with a plastic Kinder Surprise egg becomes Bert from Sesame Street; an old football is cut open and filled with colourful packaging to create a hamburger. Marc Taschowsky is fascinated with unmasking all the absurd and mysterious things that he constantly discovers in the world around him.
About the artist: Marc Taschowsky, born 1972 in Frankfurt/ Main, studied at the Acedemy of Fine Arts in Brunswick. 2018 Artist Residency in Shenzhen, China. Study visits in Korea and Japan. He lives and works in Berlin.
Exhibition period: Thursday, 21st November 2019 to Saturday, 11th January 2020
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Image caption cover: Marc Taschowsky “Megaland”, 2019, Dyptichon, Öl auf Leinwand, 270 x 400 cm
Exhibition Marc Taschowsky – Galerie Friedmann-Hahn | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin
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