until 30.10. | #2158ARTatBerlin | Galerie Kunst am Gendarmenmarkt shows from 15th September 2018 the solo exhibition In the Garden of the Senses – Eden on Earth, Hell in the Hand by the artist Manfred Hürlimann, curated by Peter Michael Dinter.
We cordially invite you and your friends to our upcoming exhibition with the Nuremberg painter and draftsman Manfred Hürlimann from Switzerland.
Parts of the Opening Speech
Mr. Manfred Hürlimann, very well educated, first of all as a church painter, then also at the University of Arts in Nuremberg, last master student of G. Voglsamer, bearer of numerous art prizes, has a good reason us our fastbige, sometimes even superficial world into another Language, to transform into his pictures and behind, one may assume, may be an intention, possibly even a mission.
As in a coda, as in an epilogue, he summarizes larger processes and human attitudes to a, very own, pictorial mysticism. He does not allow himself to be tempted by any trends, he remains chipper and prefers to use pre-Christian, medieval or ecclesiastical encryption and mysticism. He can draw from this and develop with his techniques a quite independent work full of sensual depth, reason and disregard. Purple, sometimes azure, shiny white. Morbid firing or enticing with erotics. Sparkling gold and glamor, reminiscent of Hironymus Bosch or Pieter Bruegl, morbidly defiant, like a call with crunching morals: Go through the earthly locked gate. In and out of the new Hades escaped, flying deep into the released spaces, into the states, abysses and into the intermediate worlds.
Manfred Hürlimann, Die besiegte Zeit, 110 x 200, 110 x 30, 2016
A strong gun is the painter’s visions, because someone dares something – even hallucinogenic composition? Mr. Hürlimann is not for everyone and certainly not easy to shoulder. Time he is to us again and then again compatible. He brings us an art that can be questioning, even challenging and provocative. She is highly sensual, at times like a fanal, dazzling and erotic – Mr Biedermann goes swimming and there is room for new knowledge.
Many states, human carousel of souls, sometimes lost between Christian religion and Roman-Greek tradition. The painter Hürlimann knows about such diversity and about our progressive tears. Not only “the beautiful and the true” reflect his pictures and below the surface opens a narrow door, a sensual gap, throwing out glaring light. Take a little walk in with Mr. Hürlimann, take courage, a senseful person together and one step ahead.
Vernissage: Friday, 14th September 2018, 7 pm – In appearance of the artist, Introduction by P.M. Dinter
Exhibition period: Saturday, 15th September – Tuesday, 30th October 2018
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Image caption: Manfred Hürlimann, Die besiegte Zeit, 110 x 200, 110 x 30, 2016
Exhibition Manfred Hürlimann – Galerie Kunst am Gendarmenmarkt | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin