until 20.10. | #0733ARTatBerlin | Galerie Anna 25 shows from the 10th September 2016 groupexhibition juxtaposition by the artists Thai Ho Pham, Thomas Nitz, Kejoo Park and Bernhard Paul.
The gallery just provided a German exhibition description by now. For details please change to the german version of ART@Berlin. It is really easy: Just press the language button in the upper right corner. In an instant you will be forwarded to the article in German language. Bis gleich!
Vernissage: Friday, 9th September 2016, 07:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday,10th September bis Thursday, 20th October 2016
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Image caption: Bernhard Paul, interlude JC-02, 2016, Acryl auf Leinwand, 90 x 105 cm
Exhibition juxtaposition – Galerie Anna25 – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin