until 15.05. | #1946ARTatBerlin | Galerie Kunst am Gendarmenmarkt currently shows the exhibition “Expressive Realism – Banned Art in 20th Century. A Retrospective”.
The expressive realists, a generation of painters who were mostly born around 1900, their way of expressing themselves, was based on the findings of modernism, but mostly on the stylistic devices of the early Expressionists. But as early as 1925, when this groundbreaking art form was on the decline again and the new objectivity, but also Dadaism and Surrealism gained much in importance, consolidated a new and “parallel painting”. It came from feeling and soul, expressive and colorful, culminating in an almost realistic figuration and corporeality.
Expressive-real art, but also the second generation of Expressionists, painters like E. Hassebrauk, H. Strempel, FS Pfefferkorn, C. Crodel, F. Tennigkeit or C. Rabus, all went through a variety of crises and wars in the early days 20th century. A large part of these figurative artists was sidelined between 1933 and 1945 by the National Socialists through war and imprisonment and also deprived by persecution of their bourgeois livelihood. After World War II, they were ostracized and marginalized. The western world preferred abstract or informal expressions, and the Eastern Bloc countries established socialist realism as a state doctrine.
Expressive-realistic artists were barely noticed in the post-war period until the end of the 20th century – making them a “lost generation”. Only the journalist and art historian Rainer Zimmermann recognized their great potential in the early 1980s. At the same time, a neo-expressive art in Berlin, Cologne, Munich, and Italy experienced their international breakthrough, and according to the spirit of the times, the “expressive realists” also experienced late rehabilitation and appreciation.
(Should not the critical realism as brother of socialist realism be re-evaluated?)
We are very pleased to be able to exhibit and offer you some positions of the “lost generation”. Partly quite rare paintings that were not available on the market for a long time.
We show u. a. Oil works by Adolf Klingshirn, Charles Crodell, Arthur Degner, Fritz Tennigkeit, Else Möckel, Josef Steiner, Erich Fraaß, Vera Singer and Carl Rabus.
We also thank our lenders, thank you for the trust in our gallery work and cordially invite you to the gallery gkag.
Vernissage: Friday 06th April 2018, 07:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 07th April to 15th May 2018
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Image caption: Carl Rabus, Ostende, Gouache auf Papier, 43 x 62,5 cm
Exhibition Expressive Realism – Galerie Kunst am Gendarmenmarkt – Kunst in Berlin ART at Berlin