until 21.01. | #1747ARTatBerlin | Schinkel Pavillon shows from 2nd December 2017 the exhibition “Old Tissues Filled with Tears” by the artist Eliza Douglas.
The gallery just provided a German exhibition description by now. For details please change to the german version of ART@Berlin. It is really easy: Just press the language button in the upper right corner. In an instant you will be forwarded to the article in German language. Bis gleich!
Vernissage: Friday, 01st December 2017, 07:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 02nd December 2017 to 21st January 2018
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Image caption: Devil’s Eyes Coming, 2017, Oil on Canvas, 210 x 180 cm, Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Photo: Ivan Murzin
Exhibition Eliza Douglas – Old Tissues Filled with Tears – Schinkel Pavillon | ART@Berlin