extended until 20.06. | #2692ARTatBerlin | Galerie kajetan Berlin shows from 22nd February 2020 the solo exhibition by the artist Elisabeth Vary.
Elisabeth Vary builds geometrically clear constructed bodies as image carriers. These structures, serving as the base for painted color, become the painting pieces.
“The other defines and develops from one,” says Elisabeth Vary.
Elisabeth Vary | Ohne Titel | Untitled | 2009 | zweiteilig | two-partite |
Ölfarbe auf Karton | Oil on cardboard | 20 x 26 x 26,5 cm | Photo: Marcus Schneider
Elisabeth Vary | Ohne Titel | Untitled | 2018 / 2019 | zweiteilig | two-partite |
Ölfarbe auf Karton | Oil on cardboard | 16 x 27 x 26 cm | Photo: Marcus Schneider
The color is in dialogue with the constructed body and emerges in an increasingly autonomous way in the painting process and becomes the body itself. In this sense, the colour attains its very own life, sometimes pasty or opaque, sometimes transparent, gradually in all imaginable densities. The color gradient and deposition process is constantly observed by the artist, is sometimes revised, restarted, and thus is a rhythmic and continuous painting practice.
Elisabeth Vary’s works are a synthesis of painting and sculpture, of strong color intensity and weighing depth.
Elisabeth Vary | Ausstellungsansicht 2020 | Exhibition view 2020 | Courtesy Elisabeth Vary & kajetan Berlin 2020 | Photo: Marcus Schneider
Elisabeth Vary | Ausstellungsansicht 2020 | Exhibition view 2020 | Courtesy Elisabeth Vary & kajetan Berlin 2020 | Photo: Marcus Schneider
“[…] [I]n Elisabeth Vary’s pictorial objects the continously shifting, instable relativity has become the substance oft he work. It consists precisely of the relationships which the viewer first produces through seeing. These momentary, actively recognized correlations between forms, colors, surfaces, bodies, material qualities, work-traces, of views, relationships between work and environment, inside and outside, painting and sculpture are the correlations that first constitute the respective work.“[1]
[1] Erich Franz: At the Center of Transition, in: Elisabeth Vary, ed. by Beat Wismer, Elisabeth Vary and Susanne Breidenbach; German / English, English Translation: David Galloway, Wuppertal; Dusseldorf 1998, p. 8-19, p. 9.
Elisabeth Vary | Ohne Titel | Untitled | 2018 / 2019 | zweiteilig | two-partite | Ölfarbe auf Karton | Oil on cardboard | 145 x 106 x 12,5 cm |
Ausstellungsansicht 2020 | Exhibition view 2020 | Courtesy Elisabeth Vary & kajetan Berlin | Photo: Marcus Schneider
Elisabeth Vary | Ausstellungsansicht 2020 | Exhibition view 2020 | Courtesy Elisabeth Vary & kajetan Berlin 2020 | Photo: Marcus Schneider
Vernissage: Friday, 21 February 2020, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Exhibition period: Saturday, 22 February to Saturday, 18 April 2020 – ATTENTION: extended until Saturday, 20th June 2020
Please note: until Tuesday, 5 May 2020 due to the Corona crisis only open by appointment, from Wednesday, 6 May 2020 again during regular opening hours
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Exhibition Elisabeth Vary – Galerie kajetan Berlin | Zeitgenössische Kunst – Contemporary Art – Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin