until 28.05. | #1305ARTatBerlin | König Galerie shows from 29th April 2017 the exhibition “Holle-Vanderbilt” by the artist Michaela Meise.
In the chapel (ST. AGNES | CHAPEL), Michaela Meise (b. 1976) presents “Holle-Vanderbilt,” an exhibition that interweaves the well-known fairytale of Mother Holle with the life of the American artist Gloria Vanderbilt. The show includes objects borrowed from everyday life, furniture sculptures, and one ceramic.
Vernissage: Friday, 28th April 2017, 06:00 – 09:00 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 29th April – Sunday , 28th May 2017
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Image caption: Michaela Meise, Liebezeit-Vanderbilt, 2017 (Detail of work in progress), Wooden bench, gouache, paper, book cover, fabric, lacquer 90 x 116 x 40 cm, 35 ½ x 45 ½ x 16 in Unique
Exhibition Berlin Galleries: Michaela Meise – König Galerie | ART at Berlin