until 07.03. | #2671ARTatBerlin | Meyer Riegger presents from 18th January 2020 the exhibition “What are you doing the rest of your life?” by the artist Anna Lea Hucht.
Anna Lea Hucht, Ohne Titel, 2019, watercolor on paper, 48 x 36 cm (Photo: Jens Ziehe)
At the same time the solo exhibition “Der Kreis ist rund Die Ellipse ist oval Der Kreis ist kugelrund Der Mensch ist jovial” by the artist Waldemar Zimbelmann opens and can be seen in the same exhibition period.
Vernissage: Friday, 17th January 2020, 6:00 bis 9:00 pm
Exhibition period: Saturday, 18th January to Saturday, 7th March 2020
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Exhibition Anna Lea Hucht – Meyer Riegger | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin