Due to technical circumstances in the location the exhibition unfortunately had to be cancelled. The gallerist Karolin Siller deeply regrets the cancellation. This message reached the editors on 30th August 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience.
until 17.09. | #1554ARTatBerlin | SILLER Contemporary shows from 13th September 2017 the exhibition “Andrée” by the artist André Rival.
The gallery just provided a German exhibition description by now. For details please change to the german version of ART@Berlin. It is really easy: Just press the language button in the upper right corner. In an instant you will be forwarded to the article in German language. Bis gleich!
Vernissage: Tuesday, 12th September 2017, 6 to 9 p.m.
Exhibition period: Wednesday, 13th September to Sunday, 17th September 2017, daily noon to 8 p.m.
Place: Secret Garden, Gartenstraße 6, 10115 Berlin
Image caption: via SILLER Contemporary
Exhibition: Andre Rival – Andree – SILLER Contemporary | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin