until 26.05. | #1987ARTatBerlin | Esther Schipper currently shows the exhibition AA Bronson + General Idea, 1968-2018.
AA Bronson + General Idea, 1968–2018 is the first exhibition of selected works by both the group and its surviving member, AA Bronson, presented as a continuity. Partz and Zontal died in 1994.
Ausstellungsdaten: Friday, 27th April bis Samstag, 26th. Mai 2018
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Image Caption: AA Bronson, Hotel Photos, 1995-2000, series of 5 color C-prints, 27,9 x 35,6 cm each (detail) Photo © AA Bronson
Exhibition AA Bronson + General Idea, 1968-2018 – Esther Schipper | Zeitgenössische Kunst | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin | Kunst in Berlin | Galleries Berlin | ART at Berlin