until 12.12. | #3249ARTatBerlin | Schindler LAB and the Galerie Schindler in Potsdam show from 4th December 2021 on two consecutive weekends the exhibition “100 UNDER 1000” with 100 works of art under 1000 euros each. The second exhibition weekend will take place at the Galerie Schindler (not at the LAB).
With works by the artists: Jim Avignon, Silke Bachmann, Christoph Bartolmäs, Silke Bartsch, Tinka Bechert, Alvar Beyer, Birgit Borggebe, Dimitra Bouritsa, Ulrike Buhl, Luka Bunic, Maria Camila Chinchilla, Heloisa Corrêa, Stephan Dill, Corinna Dunkel, Christina Foitou, Gidi Gilam, Lennart Grau, Nicole Heinzel, Andreas Hildebrandt, René Holm, Alejandro Javaloyas, Florentine Joop, Ryo Kato, Beate Köhne, Phillip Langer, Miriam Lenk, LinaLyng, Berit Mücke, Jeanette Niebelschütz, Justine Otto, Libby Page, Allan Paul, Ulrike Pisch, Susanne Ramolla, Kathrin Rank, Römer + Römer, Sandra Schlipköter, Ulrika Segerberg, Bettina Sellmann, Kerstin Serz, Semra Sevin, Andrea van Reimersdahl, Su Weiss, Cate Wind
Su Weiss, Blaue Stunde, 2021
Acrylic, ink pen on paper, frame incl., 41,5 x 29,5 cm
“Art doesn’t have to be expensive, but it enriches our lives” – this is the motto of the two founders Sandra Schindler and Vanessa Souli of the Schindler LAB in Potsdam, which has become a new space for contemporary art since its opening in March 2021. This year, there will be an extraordinary curated Christmas exhibition on two consecutive weekends in December.
Ulrike Pisch, Melon Days, 2021, Collage, 49 x 39 cm
100 selected artworks by emerging and established artists from Potsdam, Berlin and the surrounding area will be available for under 1000,- Euro. Drawings, graphics, paintings and works on paper among others will be available for purchase.
Jim Avignon, Selfie with God, 2020, 34 x 27 cm
“After the Covid 19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to support artists. With this initiative, we want to reach and inspire a broad audience to buy art. Art changes our living environment and it enhances our visual experiences”, the two entrepreneurs remark.
René Holm, o.T. / Study 2, 2021,
pigment and pencil on paper, framed, 29 x 21 cm
Justine Otto, Nero, 2017, Oil on Canvas, Ø 15 cm
The exhibition is curated by Vanessa Souli and Sandra Schindler.
Vernissage: Saturday, 4 December 2021, from 5:00 p.m.
Exhibition dates: Saturday, 04 December / Sunday, 05 December (at the LAB, Bäckerstraße) and Saturday, 11 December / Sunday, 12 December 2021 (at the gallery, Charlottenstraße)
Finissage: Sunday, 12 December 2021, 5:00 p.m. (at the gallery, Charlottenstraße)
To the Gallery
Title image: Gidi Gilam, SAMITMINAETTD, Acrylics, 50 x 50 cm, 2021
Exhibition 100 UNDER 1000 – Schindler LAB | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Potsdam Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin
100 UNTER 1000 | Gruppenausstellung | Schindler LAB | 04./05.12 + 11./12.12.2021
bis 12.12. | #3249ARTatBerlin | Schindler LAB in Potsdam zeigt ab 4. Dezember 2021 an zwei aufeinander folgenden Wochenenden die Ausstellung „100 UNTER 1000“ mit 100 Kunstwerken unter jeweils 1000 Euro.
„Kunst muss nicht teuer sein, aber sie bereichert unser Leben“ – so lautet das Motto der beiden Gründerinnen Sandra Schindler und Vanessa Souli des Schindler LAB in Potsdam, das sich seit der Eröffnung im März 2021 zu einem neuen Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst entwickelt hat. Dieses Jahr gibt es im Dezember eine außergewöhnliche, kuratierte ...
until 12.12. | #3249ARTatBerlin | Schindler LAB in Potsdam shows from 4th December 2021 on two consecutive weekends the exhibition “100 UNDER 1000” with 100 works of art under 1000 euros each.
“Art doesn’t have to be expensive, but it enriches our lives” – this is the motto of the two founders Sandra Schindler and Vanessa Souli of the Schindler LAB in Potsdam, which has become a new space for contemporary art since its opening in March 2021. This year, there will be an extraordinary curated Christmas exhibition on two consecutive weekends in December ...
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