until 21.07. | #1403ARTatBerlin | Galerie Gilla Lörcher presents from 10th June 2017 with “Before and after”, the 2nd Solo Show of artist Claudia Zweifel, artworks from the genres painting and drawing.
Be it a painting, drawing, or object – whether digital or analogue – everything Claudia Zweifel displays, paints, draws, or sculpts in her exhibition (…) is reality and illusion at the same time. Her works encompass visual possibilities and perceptive stimuli in the surface and in space and probe colour as the comprehensive bearer of expression, as a constitutive as well as virtual element, whose effect ranges from sublime colour-space to individually placed structures to constructive flow and beyond all of these. Image data are woven in a dye-sublimation printing process with a fine synthetic support material and permanently materialised. Everything flows in a picture, whether data, colours, swathes of colour, or graphic structures. Nothing is left to chance. Everything is there, in thoughts, as a concept, before the transfer procedure begins.
(Text: Birgit Möckel / translated by David Sánchez)
Clauda Zweifel´s drawing „La Promenade“ refers to the ornamental design of the famous Hermés foulards, the so-called „Carrés“, which themselves are inspired by pictures and symbolism of the European cultural history.
Claudia Zweifel,
born in 1981 in Zurich, Switzerland. She lives and works in Berlin. The artist studied Fine Arts at the Lucerne University of Art and Design and at the University of Arts (UDK) Berlin. She showed her work a.o. at: KW Institute for Contemporary Art (Berlin); Kunstmuseum Luzern (Schweiz); Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall; Kunsthalle CCA Andratx (Mallorca); Sammlung Falckenberg/Deichtorhallen (Hamburg); Kunstverein Schaufenster (Düsseldorf); Galerie Bereznitsky (Kiew, Ukraine) and Galerie Gilla Lörcher I Contemporary Art (Berlin).
Claudia Zweifel, Blue Cooper, 2017, Pastell, Ölkreide auf Sublimation PrintStoff, 200 x 150 cm, (c) GalerieGillaLoercher
Vernissage: Friday, 9th June 2017, 7 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 10th June to Friday, 21st July 2017
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Image caption cover: Claudia Zweifel, La Promenade, 2017, Bleistift auf Papier, gerahmt, 117 cm x 106 cm 120 x 110 cm, (c) GalerieGillaLörcher
Exhibitions Berlin Galleries: Claudia Zweifel – Before and after – Galerie Gilla Lörcher | ART at Berlin
#1403ARTatBerlin | Galerie Gilla Lörcher @galeriegillaloercher eröffnete am 09. Juni 2017, mit “Before and after” die zweite Einzelausstellung der Schweizer Künstlerin Claudia Zweifel mit ausgewählten Zeichnungen und Malereien. Sei es Malerei, Zeichnung oder Objekt – ob digital oder analog – was immer Claudia Zweifel in ihrer Ausstellung (…) zeigt, malt, zeichnet oder formt, alles ist Realität und Illusion zugleich. MEHR HIER: https://www.artatberlin.com/ausstellungen-berliner-galerien-claudia-zweifel-before-and-after-galerie-gilla-loercher-art-at-berlin/ #galeriegillalörcher #galeriegillaloercher #claudiazweifel #Kunst #Berlin #artatberlin #exhibition #artlovers #Galerie #Gallery #artwork #Kunstwerk #art #contemporaryart #artfair #modernart #artworks #berlinart #biginberlin #instaart #artwork #kunstentdecken #artwatchers #künstler #artists