until 29.07. | #1397ARTatBerlin | Semjon Contemporary presents from 17th June 2017 the exhibition “gedanken/machen” by the artist Ute Essig.
Ute Essig, Windungen (Detail), 98 x 55 cm, Stickgarn auf Japan-Papier (Photo: Ute Essig)
Vernissage: Saturday, 17th June 2017, 6 to 8:30 p.m.. The artist will be present.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 17th June to Saturday, 29th Jule 2017
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Image caption (cover): Ute Essig, Work in Progress/Atelierfoto (Detail), 2017 (Foto: Ute Essig)
Exhibitions Berlin Galleries: Ute Essig – gedanken/machen – Semjon Contemporary | ART at Berlin