until 20.08. | #1435ARTatBerlin | Das Haus am Lützowplatz presents from 24th June 2017 the group exhibition “FARBAUFTRAG”.
With works by:
Isabelle Dutoit | Zohar Fraiman | Franziska Guettler | Nina K. Jurk | Heike Kelter | Marianna Krueger | Marie Gold | Kathrin Landa | Verena Landau | Catherine Lorent | Justine Otto | Gudrun Petersdorff | Maria Sainz Rueda | Ann-Katrin Schaffner | Eva Schwab | Bettina Sellmann | Tanja Selzer | Sophie von Stillfried | Alex Tennigkeit | Kathrin Thiele | Miriam Vlaming | guest Sophia Schama
Vernissage: Friday, 23rd June 2017, 7 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 24th June to Sunday, 20th August 2017
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Image caption: via Haus am Lützowplatz
Exhibitions Berlin Galleries: FARBAUFTRAG – Group exhibition – Haus am Lützowplatz | ART at Berlin