until 28.11. | #2910ARTatBerlin | GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN presents since 3rd October 2020 the exhibition TAGUNDNACHTGLEICHE with new works of the German portrait and landscape painter Thomas Jessen.
Born in Lübbecke, Germany, in 1958, Thomas Jessen has long been one of the most renowned German painters. From 1980 to 1986 he studied at the art academy in Düsseldorf. There he was a student of Gerhard Richter and then a master student of Alfonso Hüppi. A scholarship from the state of NRW brought him to the Cité des Arts in Paris in 1986.
Thomas Jessen, Morgen, 2017, Öl auf Leinwand, 125 x 90 cm
Thomas Jessen, Susan, 2020, Öl auf Leinwand, 160 x 120 cm
Thomas Jessen is a gifted portraitist and a sensitive flower and landscape painter. The stained glass paintings in various sacred spaces connect him once again with Gerhard Richter. Photography holds him under its spell and he links this with painting, bringing both together in one work, and the viewer has the task of recognizing the respective origin. His painting in the most magnificent colors embodies pure life for him and therefore usually triumphs over photography.
Thomas Jessen, Waldlicht, 2020, Oil on Canvas, 200 x 130 cm
GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN contemporary fine arts has been closely associated with Thomas Jessen for many years and with this exhibition once again shows the highest appreciation for this renowned artist.
Exhibition dates: Saturday, 3 October to Saturday, 28 November 2020
The business premises of the GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN are regularly open in compliance with the COVID-19 hygiene regulations (1.50 m minimum distance between visitors and a maximum of 20 visitors in the spacious gallery rooms). Works acquired during the “lockdown” at the GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN can be exchanged at any time or returned within 4 weeks for a refund of the purchase price.
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Exhibition Thomas Jessen – GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN – Contemporary Art Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin