until 18.08. | #2098ARTatBerlin | Galerie Gesellschaft currently shows an exhibition with artworks by the artist Rolf Lindemann (1933–2017).
The painter Rolf Lindemann, who died in 2017, would have celebrated his 85th birthday in August 2018. To mark the occasion, the Galerie Gesellschaft in Auguststraße 83 presents a small selection of his extensive work from 29 June until 18 August 2018.
In the foreground of this exhibition will be his figures on canvas and his overpainted etchings.
Exhibition period: Friday, 29th June to Saturday, 18th August 2018
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Image caption: Rolf Lindemann, Mann mit Leiter (Man with a ladder), 2010, Oil / acrylic / charcoal / canvas, 130 x 130 cm
Exhibition Rolf Lindemann – Galerie Gesellschaft | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin – Ausstellungen Galerien Berlin – Contemporary Art – ART at Berlin