DISAPPEARING BERLIN, a series of events organised by the Schinkel Pavillon for over a year, stages unique Berlin architecture and special urban spaces that are acutely threatened with disappearance. Next Tuesday, 30 July 2019 from 7 p.m. the next evening of DISAPPEARING BERLIN will take place at in the Bärenzwinger in the Köllnischer Park.
With performances, installations and concerts, the Schinkel Pavilion moves for the first time into urban space – towards unique localities and iconic architectures that are about to be demolished, privatized or converted after decades of shaping the cityscape.
Georgia Gardner Gray’s new piece “Pigeon Feather Stick” follows the title-giving protagonist through the dream landscape of his own …
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Bildunterschrift: Plakat Disappearing Berlin – Pigeon Feather Stick