The Berlin Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery invites on 23 May 2019 under the title BETWEEN BALI AND BAUHAUS to a conversation about light and colours with the Indonesian-British artist Sinta Tantra and the journalist Kai Kupferschmidt.
Im Anschluss an das Künstlerinnengespräch findet in der Galerie ein indonesisches BBQ statt. Die Künstlerin Sinta Tantra zeigt derzeit ausgewählte Werke in der Galerie, zusammen mit Werken des Künstlers André Hemer. …
Read the article with all informations further on > DEEDS.WORLD <
Image caption: Backyard of the Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, designed by Sinta Tantra, Photo: ART@Berlin / Stephanie Schneider
Artist Talk + BBQ – Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery | Contemporary Art Berlin – Künstlergespräch – ART at Berlin
I love relating to up-an-coming artists in order to get them involved in human-emotional conection through artistic application in a contemporary manner.