On the first weekend of Advent, the annual special book sale of the National Museums in Berlin takes place in the Kulturforum.
On the first Advent weekend, Saturday, December 1, and Sunday, December 2, 2018, the National Museums in Berlin sell price-reduced publications, defective copies, and other items such as postcards, posters, and art prints in the Central Entrance Hall of the Kulturforum from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each year.
The books are exhibition catalogues as well as titles on various collection areas of the National Museums in Berlin. The prices for the publications are only strongly reduced on these two days.
A list of the discounted articles, in which a large part of the merchandise is listed, will be available online from Thursday, 29 November 2018 on the website of the National Museums in Berlin: www.smb.museum.
All photographs: Special book sale of the National Museums in Berlin, 1 + 2.12.2018, Kulturforum, 11 – 17 Uhr, © Staatliche Museen in Berlin
Transport links to the Kulturforum:
Underground U2 (Potsdamer Platz)
S-Bahn S1, S2, S25 (Potsdamer Platz)
Bus M29 (Potsdamer Brücke), M41 (Potsdamer Platz Bhf / Voßstraße),
M48 + M85 (Cultural Forum), 200 (Philharmonic Orchestra)
WHEN? Saturday, 1 December + Sunday, 2 December 2018, 11 am – 5 pm
WHERE? Kulturforum, central entrance hall, entrance Matthäikirchplatz
Annual special book sale of the National Museums in Berlin | 01.12.+02.12.2018